
Twin Flame Soul Mates After Death- Update

I've shared some very personal information on this blog for the sake of others and to enhance the understanding of our consciousness, our spiritual bodies and twin flame soul mates.  I came out with my story to stand behind the connection between two people via the soul and to seek justice in the murder of Michael Jackson.  The connection twin flame soul mates have is always in tact. There is never a separation.  Each union, however, or non union will be different.

I've written many things in  my book Another Part of Me and on this blog about the this relationship of the soul.  At one time Michael and I, as twin souls, would have liked to take our "soul" relationship to another level.  That opportunity passed when I was finally divorcing and Michael was murdered.  Michael had at one time said he had unfinished business here.  The unfinished business was not only his murder, it was me.

We had not completed our business together and were never given the opportunity to just "be together."  Since Michael's passing and with the help of his friend Elizabeth Taylor we did take that opportunity to get to know one another better. We have made the very best of what we have been given, given the circumstances.

For as long as I remember I have always wanted the best for Michael Jackson and for his happiness.  He has said he wishes the same for me, repeatedly.  We were not together as a physical couple when he lived and although we could not be together on that level, I always wanted him to find fulfillment even if that meant being with someone else.  When he passed he expressed the same to me.  That he would find someone for me to make me happy.  Twin flame soul mates love each other romantically, but it is not just in romantic love that they stay together.  They are bonded and axis of wholeness within each other.  There of course can be jealousy to a certain extent, but in the divine love that you have been created from it is always the priority for you and your flame to take into consideration the needs and happiness of the other.  Simply put if they are happy, you too become happier.

I've enjoyed knowing Michael more and will continue to do so.  Our work together will not cease, but I feel compelled to let my readers know that twin flame soul mates don't always necessarily have happy, together endings.  My twin flame was murdered.  That in and of itself cut our time short and has left us in a place that has required us to try and compensate for what we lost.  Michael's unfinished business with that part of his life has now passed.  We have come to a mutual understanding that he can not give me what I need, nor can I give him what he needs at this time.

What that means is that at all levels, here on earth and on the other side, humans seek companionship.  When Michael lived he rarely was able to enjoy that fully.  Now that he has been on the other side he has been afforded opportunities that he didn't have while he was here.

I know I've said a few times on the blog that I received visions of Michael on the other side.  Some have been with women. Some have been friends of his, but one has become more than just a friend to him.  I have come to love her myself as a wonderful soul and friend and the happiness they currently share together makes me happy as well. It is in the best interests of the other that a twin flame soul mate will always come to realize it is also in their best interest as well.

I am giving you this information because there seems to be such a misconception about twin flame soul mates.  So many people think that twin flame soul mates are one and blissful;the ultimate romantic love.  They are.  Yet they are also divine love.  The love that we have been created from that loves in all shapes and sizes. You love them as a brother, a friend, a parent, a child and  most of all as your very own soul.  In that light you want the best for them.  Michael has been given an opportunity to experience a love on the other side of the veil that he was never able to experience here in his earth life.  My heart is with him, knowing that the experience he is having is in love and his own individual expression of that love.

Twin flame soul mates are joined in the soul.  It's like you are cells, as Michael once put it.  We always will be part of them.  The similarities and the joining of the two are on various levels that I don't even understand yet.  I know we have merged with one another on another level, I experience his consciousness still within myself at times; but instead of fusing and being absorbed completely by the other, more importantly we have to remember that the two, when whole themselves, will complete their selves as complimentary axis of love.  That means each of the twins must be whole themselves.  Each then can bring their full expression of divine love into their ultimate union.

I'm not sure what my readers will think of this post.  I guess as I experience these things I like to write about them.  Somehow I hope it helps someone else. Sometimes we can be held back from living our lives when a twin flame passes.  Michael's move to be with Princess Diana not only tells me we will always seek out companionship, whether we are here or there, but that when one flame passes and the other doesn't we can be free to move on with our lives as well, knowing that we will never lose that love, only gain in the experience with loving others as well.

Maybe this is hard to swallow.  It's not a typical happy ending twin soul story, well, at least one that you might expect. I can tell you however, that this love is one that never dies.  It only gets larger and embraces more love.  That is, after all, the whole intention of twin flame soul mates to begin with.


Anonymous said...

Sweet that MJ has found a companion in Princess Diana's soul signature. They are very similar soul signatures. When we have Loved ones that pass over they will show themselves to us as their recent Earth life so that we can recognise them. Sometimes we recognise them from their Soul Signature colours etc.

With Twin Souls/Twin Flames it's very rare to be in union on Earth but it does happen. There are various different types of Soul Connections, but a Twin Soul can be a family member etc. There is always a close connection in energy always because you are literally loving a part of yourself, your soul family/ray etc and there are many many parts/aspects/facets to a soul. One can find another Twin Soul during life if lucky, not necessarily ever be in union but will be good friends, i.e you will recognise their vibrational signature and be drawn to it. :-)

mg said...

I want to say thank you for sharing your story about you and MJ. Since I found your blog, I better understand the twin flame concept and what to look for to find it in life.

ElevenSeven said...

Anna Sophia, Thank you so much for taking the time to write what you did! I can't tell you how happy it makes me feel that someone else has found the information useful. I hope you continue to explore all of the blog posts.

I'm also currently writing a book on twin flame soul mates. I hope you might come back to check it out later this summer. Thank you once again and may your journey with your flame be one of wondrous finds and joyful memories. <3