
Interviews about Elf Culture with the Other Side

In our household we have a great affinity for the movie Elf.  Of late, we have been discussing the need to brush up on our Elf culture and all the things that go with that.

In discussing this morning's topic, we settled on doing interviews.  Michael has gathered some people from the other side we can ask questions of.  Some, like Marilyn Monroe, I have never seen before.

I'm not very good at coming up with questions, especially with so many in the house, so we decided to ask about Elf culture.  The code of the Elves is something that I feel should be universal.  After all it is "Christmas" like and exemplifies love and kindness all through the year.  There is room for simply "everyone" on Santa's nice list.

Well Fred (Astaire) had no idea what I was talking about so we had to show the movie.  He was first marveled at my television.  He says he's never seen one like that.  Mind you it's not the cream of the crop kind of TV.  I think it's just that he says "it's been a long while" since he's seen one.

So with that, we had them view the first portion of the movie.  As for the interview questions we have we have decided on one.  What was your favorite part of the movie and how do you feel you could implement that part of Elf culture into your every day life?

Here is the list to choose from:

The Code of Elves

1.  Treat everyday like Christmas.

2.  There's room for everyone on the nice list.

3.  The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

I'm not Barbara Walters, but Michael has given a little help here so lets start with him:

Michael Jackson
What is your favorite Elf code and how do you feel you could implement that part of Elf culture into your every day life?

Well since I don't really have an every day life I guess I'd have to say "singing loudly for all to here".  That's my motto and the goal I hope to achieve is that one day everyone will hear the song in their heart.

Fred Astaire

I enjoyed watching the movie, at least that part of it.  The baby crawling into Santas sack reminded me of my own youth.  I too liked "singing loudly for all to hear".  I live in the mountains of heaven and there is where I still perform.  I dance, I sing and sometimes I make little pilgrimages like this.

Grace Kelly

Treat everyday like Christmas.  I think it's important for people to realize how precious time is while their on earth.  Every day is a gift.

James Brown

There's room for everyone on the nice list.  Sometimes I was a bit naughty, so that's my favorite.

Elizabeth Taylor

Well I have to say if I had to hear you sing, I certainly wouldn't choose number 3.  I have to go with number 1, that's my favorite.  Treating every day like Christmas is what life's all about.  We can all pretend it's Christmas every day.  How wonderful would that be?  Amazing wouldn't it?  

(Sorry, as a side note, Michael used to leave Elizabeth with me while he went on his pilgrimages.  I used to sing very badly and loudly for her as punishment for Michael leaving. . it was really just a joke . .OK ... let's go on . .  .)

Whitney Houston

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.  It reminds me of my own family Christmas.  We enjoyed singing, all of us and it brought back memories.

Princess Diana

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.  I like to sing.  No one really knew that but I was too refined back then.  I think it releases something in you from deep inside.  It makes you feel more alive.  That's my favorite one.

Robin Williams

Yo!  My favorite, let's see.  The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear, because that's how I roll.  Here, look everyone it's me... I'm singing, I'm singing.  I'm in heaven and I'm singing. . can you hear me, can you hear me, I can hear you . . I'm still working on my elfisms....

Joan Rivers

Oh my god this is outrageous!  Who thought this up?  Ok, ok lets see which one is my favorite... Treat every day like Christmas that's a good one.  I'd like to see that happen.  Everyone would be on the naughty list.  If that happened all of heaven would fall down in one single swoop

Marlon Brando

Hello.. (oh my...what a deep voice) ...the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.  I think because it reminds me of home.  Our hearts are with our homes, our families.  Singing at Christmas reminds me of that.  It's nice.  It's soothing.  

Ryan White

I like there is room for everyone on the nice list, because if we make room for everyone in our hearts then everyone feels loved.  That's important.  To take time for people and try and understand where they're coming from.

Gary Coleman

I like them all.  I think its cool to have elf culture and be like you're celebrating Christmas every day.  It's nice to be able to talk to you..this is cool...ok, ok, Where were we...so all of them.  Yeah.

Nelson Mandela (woo hoo!!! Nelson Mandela is in the house!)

There is room for everyone on the nice list of course, that's about reconciliation.  In our hearts there can be Christmas always.  It's a pleasure and a joy.

Watch the video below to inspire some Elf culture into your own home.  Practicing now makes you much better at it for the upcoming holiday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agree, treat everyday special like Christmas, give someone a gift everyday, even if it's a just a beautiful Smile

When you say Michael used to leave Elizabeth Taylor with you. You must know we all have many Guides, Ascended Masters, Archangels around us all the time. One never needs to ever feel alone.

Nice to hear from those personalities today. They are available to us all the time when we think of them. I remember Michael was chatting with me once before I went to bed. After a bit I said "I'm going to bed now" He said teasingly "Ohh, I forget you need to go to bed" In their realm there is no sleep and they don't need to eat or really have a house. They of course can manifest anything they want, but in the higher realms most souls don't manifest houses etc.