
The Prayer I Heard - Forgiveness - Michael's Death

There are times when I receive visions of people and places.  Recently I received another that took me by surprise.  It was vision of a man praying.  He was earnestly asking God for forgiveness for his part in Michael's murder.  The man's picture is posted on the previous post about Michael's murder.

I have to tell you, Michael told me several times about this man. I wasn't so sure he was involved or "present" on the night in question and I waited for the posting for quite some time.  Would it matter if I revealed his name?  I don't know.  I do know I was humbled.  For when faced with the people that treated Michael so horribly I can't help but have a piece of me held within me of disdain.  But I should know what holding onto that does.  It eats you like a cancer and does nothing to the other person.  It is for this reason that we must "let go" of the grievances we have with others at some point.  The feeling itself wreaks havoc on our very beings.  Just think for a moment of someone you are angry with and notice the feeling in your body.  Not so good right?!

So while I had not planned on posting today, I thought it necessary before the vision went into my lapse in memory.  Just prior Michael had instructed me to write a passage from Rumi about justice.  It reminds us that true justice isn't tat for tat, it is placing bounty in the hands of those most deserving of it.  It doesn't necessarily mean that good poor people will get rich, or the bad rich people will get poor.  There is more bounty bestowed by the father than just money.  There are gifts, love and a surplus of needs and wants even for a lifetime.

So as I think of this individual my heart is softened.  His earnest in his request for forgiveness was heartfelt.  It was not I that needed to forgive him, or maybe it was in some ways, but I hope that he knows that his lesson in this is to do all he can to correct the wrong to the people in Michael's life that he left behind.  In moments of a narrowed, selfish vision, we rarely see the effects on the person we are perpetrating against or those close to them that they love and cherish.  Now is your opportunity to make it right with them, make sure his children are cared for properly, and if it's not a public apology or a personal one that is made, may you make the apology within your heart to theirs.

I will stop this blog, stop the details, if you do just that.  I can't bring Michael back, but you can make sure things are right with his children and they are protected and that includes their future assets.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here are some You Tubes on the phenomenon of Twin Flames and Soul Mates!!
