
Man in the Mirror PROJECT - Tools for Growth

While we bounce around between justice for Michael, twin flames and Man in the Mirror PROJECT, there is one thing they all have in common - personal growth.

There are many things in our lives that can help us grow personally.  Self help books, mantras, and meditation can go a long way, but our self reflection can perhaps be our biggest tool.

To unite with a twin flame, most often you each have to work through a great deal of your "karma".  Now I'm not much on definitions.  Most people have different ideas for the same word.  When I say "karma" it is not only cause and effect that I am talking about.  It is the repetitive patterns through lifetimes that I refer to.  The soul chooses it's journey, often taking us on the same road until we "get it" and can get past what we need to learn on the road to self mastery.  If I was very obedient to others in past lives and in this one, it may be that I need to learn to stand in my own beliefs and act on them.

So how do we know what it is we have to work on?  One of our best tools and greatest teachers are the people that treat us the worst.  Many of us tend to think that their abuses are just nuisanses in society, and I do have to tend to agree, however, as they treat you badly you mirror back what and who you are. In Dr. Maurie Pressman's book "Twin Souls", there is a beautiful analogy of a dual between light and dark; good and evil.  As evil engages with a soul in the light it is opportunity to drive both further into the light by action alone.  In other words, you can use an ill intended individual to ask questions about yourself.  What is it about me that permits them to do this to me?  What is it about me that has gotten me into this situation?

In Michael Jackson's case, it was his sheer desire to trust others.  In his position, there were very few, and when faced with other obstacles in his life he felt he had no other choice.  The offer was "appealing" to the things that he desired most; a family home, a chance to get back on his feet and lead a somewhat "normal" life.  The offer is most often very appealing with shrewd deceivers.  They promise the world, while all the while their plans are on taking everything you have.  It could be money, fame, success, reputation, anything they feel you don't deserve and they do.

So the next time  you're faced with difficult people remember it is an opportunity to look at yourself and gain mastery.  Should you react with anger like them and give them all of your energy, should you engage in war, should you step aside and let them hang themselves, or simply stand up for your rights and walk away?  There may be times in your life when you may employ all of these techniques, however, if you take the time to reflect within you will find the strength and courage to realize that which is within you, that which you can let go, and that which will give you freedom and that is the greatest tool for growth there is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, very true!!. I believe we all set up little lessons for ourselves in each life time and yes our enemies can be our greatest teachers.....

Recently I came across a sweet book about MJ. Here is the link
