
Twin Flame Soul Mates - The Relationship of the Soul

Most often when we hear the term "twin flame soul mate" most people get an image in their head of the perfect physical partner that will fit their every need and want.  That perfect other half that is "out there", somewhere waiting only for them.

To a degree this is true, but in essence, not at all.  My experiences with Michael in the twin flame realm have lead me to believe some very different ideas.  The twin flame soul mate is indeed a relationship of the soul, not of the flesh.  Of course, you might say, but sometimes they can come together physically.  And to that I would say of course as well, but the relationship you have with a twin is not based on your physical personality or who you are this lifetime, it is based on the union between your souls when you were created.

Often times, and more often than not, our physical relationships are based on dependency.  We are dependent for financial reasons or most often dependent because we look to the other person to validate us, fulfill our emotional needs, make us "feel loved".  Many marriages fail because the two continue to look for what they need not realizing that the other needs it as well.  Sometimes one will go outside the marriage because they don't "feel loved" or are not being validated emotionally.  On the outside this looks wrong and feels wrong, but on the inside the person is doing what they think they need to do in order to fulfill their emotional needs.  When a woman complains that her husband isn't listening or doesn't take her anywhere, it's the same.  She is looking to him to make her "feel" special and validate what she says.

With flames it's a whole different ball game.  You don't enter into a relationship with a twin flame soul mate to feel validated.  Matter of fact, I feel it's just the opposite.  Your flame will mirror your every insecurity and make you grow spiritually more than any other individual could.  This is soul based, so most often you share soul based feelings and experiences.  These are the things you need to work out to truly unite.  But before that happens, much has to happen on the individual level.  Each must come to terms with their own insecurities and learn that the emotional needs and wants that are within can also be fulfilled within.  Those needs can be fulfilled by the twin, just not the same way they are fulfilled in a physical relationship.  You can never look "outside" yourself and expect the "inside" to be fulfilled.  You always must look within.  That is where the twin is, even though the personality and physical vehicle he or she uses may be on the "outside" in our third dimensional world.

There are two parts to all of us - the conscious that functions in our daily lives and the subconscious that allows us to dream and contact the higher realms.  When we develop ourselves consciously we deal with all of our patterns, all of our thoughts about how things "should" be.  When we access our subconscious and develop spiritually, we realize that our thoughts are just thoughts and the way things actually are in our spiritual selves is far greater than we could ever "think" of.  That all things are connected because they were created by the same force of love.  That pure love, that pure connection is where the true flame is.  The rest is just frosting to make him or her "look" appealing.  The real meat of the relationship is deeper.  It doesn't ask for validation or looks to the other for dependency, we do that. The soul part, our true twin flame, just is.  It is the other part of ourselves that is constant and vibrates with us giving us the knowing that our foundation with this part of ourselves is in love and nothing else. You share your consciousness and by doing so share experiences to help one another.  You allow them to be who they are because you know that's how you both grow instead of trying to claim them or own them for yourself by saying he or she is "mine".

True love, love from the soul, allows love to be free.  The source that we all came from, the love that created us, created us out of  freedom and openness of the heart.  That love is giving without demands of time or validation.   Most often when we marry or enter a relationship, we place ourselves in the subconscious patterns of how we were raised this lifetime.  Each of us is different.  Each was raised differently, so now we have to see what has been planted within us in order to harmoniously live with one another.  With a flame, you already live with one another - inside.  The relationship on the outside is sometimes not even necessary, for the whole reason you have come to the earth is for the experience and learning, not to unite with your soul for the soul is indeed already united.  You only need to discover that it is.

Soul union is on the other side of the veil.  Whether you are here or there, doesn't matter.  Whether you know him or her, matters not.  What does matter is that you share within you a love deeper than you can imagine, more free than you ever thought you could be, and more loving than anyone has ever shown you.  This is the twin flame soul mate relationship and the foundation from which you were created from - love.


Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Thank you, Deborah, for this fine deliberation on the topic. From my own experience I must say that I miss my soul mate when in this life stream she is not with me here in the physical, and that feeling of "missing" my other half never goes away. Yet, like you say, the feeling of already being united in our souls also never leaves. And in our future the physical union will just happen as a natural outcome of how this relationship between two, who belong together, works.

ElevenSeven said...

Thank you so much for sharing Reni. I do believe the same. I think that's why so many twins are reincarnating together on the earth plane - it's just simply a sign that humanity is growing and with that growth comes the realization of oneness in the consciousness of us all. Very comforthing. Thanks again for helping us understand and contributing :) xxoo