
Thoughts about Conrad Murray's Release Today - October 28, 2013

For as long as man has been in existence have there been wars, criticisms, scams, lies and deceit.  When you have one person doing it, sometimes the lie can be caught, but when you have many, the lies build on top of one another and the web of deception is sometimes difficult to see through.  Add a few cases of personal perception and stories handed down to us, the press, and interpretations of our history books and human kind has nothing short of a mess on their hands without even realizing it.

On this perfect day in history, October 28, 2013, we will have yet another date to record in our history books.  The day Conrad Murray, the doctor convicted of killing Michael Jackson was released.  Our history will sound something like this:  Michael Jackson died of an overdose of propofol on June 25, 2009 administered by his then doctor, Conrad Murray.  Murray was convicted and served two years in a California prison and was released on October 28, 2013.

From the surface it looks truthful, makes sense, why not?  Michael Jackson was painted to be a drug addicted, wealthy, and spoiled, pop star, just looking for his "milk".  But who paints those pictures, who tells the stories, and who really knew the Michael Jackson they all have claimed to know and love?

They have firms they hire in industry.  Just as easy as they "create" a public image, they can tear one down.  What makes us think that anything in our mainstream media is truthful when for centuries human kind has literally made it it's business to deceive?  Their motive is money, that's what drives big business.  They will use anyone and everyone to get to their goal.  With so many selfish, egotistical people at the helm of these businesses its a wonder they even survive.

So what is the truth?  I can tell you with certainty it was not Conrad Murray that delivered the fatal dose of propofol to Michael Jackson, nor was it Michael himself.  This is big business, and when big business is involved, lots of money, assets to be more specific, the stakes get higher, the risk is riskier. But with Michael, they believed they had the whole thing figured out and from the looks of it they did.  They knew Michael had a drug dependency, and could count on anyone who was a slave to the dollar to do their bidding.  It really isn't that hard when you have the cash to go around and pay people off.  The rewards they stood to gain were great and indeed they have all made a nice tidy profit from Michael's passing.  Besides, it is people like them, the jealous ones, that even feel he deserved it.  He had so much, such a great life, a wealthy pop star, who was most likely nothing without "them".  Sound familiar?

So as Conrad Murray is released today, I can't help but think of the others that have been set up in assassinations and murders.  How long will Conrad walk free before someone tries to take his life thinking it was him that murdered Michael Jackson?  The stories are many, the lies, sickening, yet the general public still believes them, is still under the spell of the media as they weave the story to enthrall us into a reality that has nothing to do with truth.

We all must make choices.  Some of us will choose to lie.  Some will choose to deceive.  Some will choose to murder.  Most often these choices, by our own families, our work associates, our employers and our society at large have one thing in common:  their selfishness and will to defend their own ego.  Choices like these have little to do with others, and everything to do with themselves.  Michael's life was not even a consideration.  His well being, not given a second thought, but there is one major difference in the lives of these people and Michael Jackson.  For as eternity plays out the dance, Michael has made his choice to serve others instead of himself.  Our universe rewards us all with deeds we have done in kind.  His bounty will be full, as the people who have deceived will always be in the wanting of more.

The universe itself will separate the sheep from the true herders.  As a twin soul you will always stand in truth.  Your gaze is upwards to your father in heaven, not outwards towards man.  Your treasures are hidden within, you have no desire to display your gold.  You don't look at the world as having to scheme to get what you want, you are well versed in the gifts your father has bestowed upon you.  You don't have to lie about others to make yourself look better, you already know who you are.  In the words of a great sage from India, Sri Aurobindo:

"They therefore who perform the vow of the Eternal Father produce the twin creature.  But theirs is the heaven of the spirit in whom are established askesis and holiness and in whom Truth has her dwelling.

Theirs is the heaven of the Spirit, the world all spotless, in whom there is neither crookedness nor lying nor any illusion."

May we look at this day as testament in the knowing of the truth we know within and the desire to do good even though there are others that will continue to choose to do evil.  And may Conrad Murray himself decide to reveal some of the "truth" that has been hidden for so long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is bound to be millions of very angry people with the release of Dr Murray today. I don't believe Dr Murray murdered Michael, but he panicked when Michael stopped breathing. Maybe there will be controversy about his death for years to come. I do believe Michael did need a lot of medication and had many many different doctors. I do believe he had an addiction to some, especially for his insomnia and he had used Propofol before!!

My feeling also is that it was Michael's time to die and his death has a higher meaning.