
The Great I AM Race - God Free Beings

If we take into account that everything is comprised of energy we might also realize that everything that is energy has a vibrational frequency.  The signal your radio receives that allows you to hear a certain station, the signal your television receives to allow you to view a picture and the unseen signals traveling through space that allows you to access the internet to see this post.

These energies that travel are unseen, yet we can't doubt that they exist.  They must, or we wouldn't be able to be on the receiving end of the product of those transmissions.

In the forming of the very first earth cell there was also a "signal".  A cellular signal that started the duplication of cells and a myriad of energies with divine or intellectual resonating frequencies that created matter.  That intellectual or divine force is what has created the earth.  All of our plants, our trees, the waters and the mountains have been comprised of a similar energy all radiating at different frequencies.  This is the law of one.  One source which formed our very creations.

From that one source many vibrations emitted to form the complex life that exists now on earth. But creation doesn't stop.  As science has discovered artifacts from ancient civilizations, it has also discovered artifacts from earlier forms of life.  Simpler forms, like the ameba, the one celled protozoa used in scientific discoveries of how cells operate.  The question to ask is what energy frequency gave the ameba and all other life the "signal" to create?

Some may say God, some may say an unseen force of nature, but what if the two are actually the same?

If we liken our spiritual creation to the creation of nature itself, it would stand to reason that our spiritual selves have been created the same way our physical selves have been.  From one cellular structure, splitting in vibration, creating over and over again.  Those cells that formed are at different vibrational frequencies and are in essence the catalyst for your manifestation into the earth plane.

It takes two cells, two organisms to unite for creation.  A sperm from a male and an egg from a female.  When those two cells form they "create" the beginning of a human embryo.  The same holds true in the upper dimensions.  For the creation of a soul one part of a female and another part of a male energy must be combined to form the "third" most potent energy called "love", creating the soul itself.

If we study the development of a child in a mothers womb, or watch the "growth" of a child, we'll see that it never stops.  The cells continue to form, the embryo becomes a baby and the child becomes a full grown adult.  Cells continue to create and shed as do the cells of our spiritual bodies.

Our physical bodies contain cells that hold a nucleus, the part of the cell that "knows" what to do. That part communicates with the rest of the cells to let our bodies know what to do when we get sick, have a child, or become hurt.  They heal our bodies without us having to tell them, the cells of the womb open the woman to give birth to the baby and our cells will reproduce once the dead skin cells of the body are shed.  We give the cells information which is also stored in the nucleus.  Our memories and feelings from our childhoods, the emotional experiences of our lives and the love we feel for the part of ourselves that is created in a child.  All held within the cells, all felt within our beings.

Somewhere our beings are also connected to the force of the cells that gave us our kickstart from birth. Those "energetic" cells that are unseen are also carried with us. They can give us memories as well.  These would be the memories of our "past" lives, our galactic universe and our very beginnings of our creation in the spirit world.

Accessing the spiritual cells only takes dedication to raise your vibrational frequency.  Like tuning into another station, the signal you transmit to the cells can connect you with your spiritual self and allow you to access the greater part of your being.  The I AM presence, your God force, or higher self is that spiritual self that directs you into the knowings of who you truly are.  Communication with that self can be directed, just as the cells of your human body can be directed when you do self healing, meditation to calm yourself, or repeat a mantra.

Yet neither set of cells ceases to "create".  The repetition of cells duplicating and creating and the history science has given us leads us to believe that our cells are not only multiplying but are in essence divinely directing us to a more complex form of life.  We are evolving and as we do we will begin to bring our frequencies up in vibration for contact with our high energies.  The energies of the I AM presence.  In essence we will become the great I AM race that has been so widely spoken about throughout the ages.

This is our future, our birthright and the plan of our evolution.  Once joined in the I AM our consciousness will be one.  All connected by the greater cells joining us in the spiritual realm of our ultimate reality.  Communication forms, like telepathy, will be on a much grander scale.  This is likened to our cells communicating with each other - no words only informational exchanges.

It would stand to reason then, that all forms of life, those souls that have departed, the water that evaporates from the earth, return again and again.  It may be in the form of another soul inhabiting a body or rain that pours down to water the earth again.  All cycling, all repeating in the great symphony we call life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michael inspired this lady to write her book and she received amazing signs just before he died.
