
More on the Cover Up of Michael's Death

I'm beginning to post evidence related to the book  "The Murder of Michael Jackson; The Conspiracy and Cover Up" and as I'm doing that I'm beginning to find even MORE evidence of the conspiracy and single pointed attempt to convict Dr. Conrad Murray and close the case.

Here is the first video from the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray, which, now looking back puts things into perspective.  The prosecutors were well pointed at a conviction of Dr. Murray.  This video portrays this as the detective is questioned about a heated argument between the coroner and detectives on the case.  These men weren't looking for the truth. They were looking for a conviction.

This video depicts one of the security guards, also mentioned in the book that was being paid by AEG Live.  His testimony as to removing the IV and placing Michael on the ground does not agree with what the paramedics found at the scene.  The IV was still in place.

Evidence tampered with, fingerprints from investigators on the scene:

At 10:57 the testimony of Alverez again gets interesting.  The propfol bottle appears in a version of a drawing requested by the "prosecutor" closer to trial, when in the first version, none was present:

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