
Another Cover Up - Michelangelo

Since I started this blog I have offered two intentions: One to let people know that Michael was murdered and the other, to offer the truth.

I'd like to embark now on the truth of our history.  Our history and the story of creation has been abused.  It has been the power over the people, not with the people, that have led us astray and have covered up our true divinity.

I'd like to start today with the story of Michelangelo.  Many of us know him as a painter, artist and sculptor famous for his works in the Catholic Church.  His most famous works were on the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel and the Statue of David.  He was commissioned by the church for many works during the 1500's at the height of the Renaissance period.

But as it is today, so was it yesterday.  Betrayal, deceit and manipulation often occurred at the hands of those in power at the time.  In the 1500's the power was in the hands of the Catholic Church themselves.  Set apart from the rest of society, the popes and holy men would preach in grand cathedrals built by the "offerings" of their followers.  Something that was said to be a "charitable" deed.  These men of the church were placed above common man.  Made to be the lawmakers, the holders of truth given to the masses in the public and told the way for common man to make it into heaven.  Often they could guarantee your space if you made sure you gave your money and said a few hail Mary's.  But was that the way to heaven or simply a way the church designed "the way" to be?

In Michelangelo's time these same questions arose.  Now in this time of our history many of us are either struggling to find the "truth" or believe that the church itself was no different than the powerful corporations that run the world today.

I'll let the historians tell Michelangelo's story as they explain that the missing piece for Michelangelo himself was that ALL of mankind had access to God himself.  Not just the priests and popes.

Not unlike today, the beliefs of holding a "different view" of our true spirituality hold many of us in shame or a disbelieving place.  When we are told how things are, we tend to believe it.  Especially when it's told again and again.  Many of us most likely believed without question that Michael Jackson was killed by Conrad Murray.  That's what was put on our TV's, that's what was communicated to the "masses".  Our consciousness, if not checked ourselves, will always fall in line with the belief systems that are fed to us through the communications that we receive.  Should we not question, a man or a woman, a company, or a church, we will often fall victim to deceit.

Such is the story of some of the most famous works of Michelangelo himself.  His art and his heart were covered in his secret beliefs that went against the most powerful corporation of his time.  The place that commissioned him for his most famous works - the Catholic Church itself.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And indeed here we go again with another example, like Plato (I think to belief) went against it all to say that the earth was circling around the sun and not the other way around ...

The catholic church did more harm than good anyway, don't get me started ... manipulation only justified in the eye of the beholder ...