
Being Loving; Mastery and Twin Souls

I've recently had a comment that said everyone is light, everyone is love, even the nasty people. While that is true, we are all divine in nature, our misqualified energy and how we use it is not.

There is a very common belief that to be loving means you have to be a doormat.  That is not what the masters teach.  In my teachings we have been taught to balance the power of love with both wisdom and power itself.  You are not afforded power if you cannot master the self and while we are on that subject, that's exactly why our separation into duality began.

Misqualified energy is the energy of pure light and love from God distorted.  Distorted energy is what we have done to that energy from our thoughts and beliefs.  When Genesis speaks about Adam and Eve and how Eve was created from the rib of Adam, that is the original twin soul concept.  One created from another with both a male and female counterpart.  But when Eve ate the apple of knowledge of duality she was said to have sinned.  Sinning is something that we have been taught that is something to be shameful of, something we have to be forgiven for by God.  When in actuality, in my teachings, true sin is the creation of misqualified energy itself.  It is our knowledge of duality and natures to choose good or evil.  It is also with ourselves that we can transform that energy back into pure light.

This concept is important because all too often Jesus himself has been depicted as a loving soul who wouldn't hurt a fly.  But I"m here to tell you he would not have been in the position he was in if he was who many people think he was.

Think of the times of the trials of Jesus.  If he was loving in the sense that most people think about what being loving is, perhaps he would have conceded to those who wished to put him to death. Wouldn't a loving Jesus, as many people depict him as today, be subservient to the king and agree with his rulings?

Jesus did not do that.  He stood his ground with what he was here to do and here to teach.  He did not come to bring love to the people, he came to show them the way.  There is a difference.  Even in the angelic community there are angels, divine light beings, that when evil enters the world, they intercede.  They don't say "well that's their free will and we are all loving we're not going to fight for good souls".  They intercede time and time again, even though the evil or misqualified thoughts or energy have come from even ourselves at times.

The archangel Michael would not have thrown the devil out of heaven if he was kind and loving like what kind and loving is thought of today.  Being separated into duality was for a reason.  We are to master ourselves to get back to the bright and shiny light.  You cannot master yourself or help anyone else when you allow people to walk all over you or make you believe your purpose is something other than what you yourself know inside.  Mastery comes with compliments;  Love, compassion, but also boundaries, protecting our heaven and realizing the power within us that propels us forward.

Let me give you an example.  If I was in an abusive relationship, for instance, and I wanted to be on the path to mastery, I wouldn't let the abuse continue.  There are many reasons for this.  First and foremost it teaches the party that is abusing that it's OK.  If you think you are being loving by loving the person for who he or she is, think again.  Loving the light within someone else means loving the light that is also reflected in you.  It is not loving what they do or the misqualified patterns they are caught up in.  Loving ourselves enough to step out of the situation with boundaries is a step into mastering the self.  You know what to protect and how to protect it by using wisdom  and the power within you to step away.  While this may seem undeserving to this other being that is doing the abusing it is also serving them.  Whenever we take steps to master ourselves by bringing dark deeds to the light, we allow the doer of the dark deeds to transform.  In essence we are teaching them and then learn from each other.

My late mentor and friend, Maurie D Pressman MD, had a beautiful analogy in his book with Patricia Joudry called Twin Souls. They depicted a story of a staircase.  As one noble soul moved higher into the light at the top of the stairs, the dark soul followed, prodding and festering.  But what the dark soul didn't realize that as he was prodding the lighter soul, they both moved up the staircase together. The noble soul was helping the darker soul to transform.

There is always a balance.  One that must be held within the self and one that must be maintained on the planet.  We serve no one when we allow ourselves to be abused, misguided, or mistreated.  If there is a path you wish to follow to gain mastery and freedom you simply must start with yourself. Our own road to individual wholeness and mastery is the same road to our twin flame and the light that created us all.

The following video depicts Jesus.  The sword he speaks of is the sword of truth.  True wisdom, love and power are the elements that Jesus himself taught.  That is what being loving means.  To allow ourselves to be that which we are in light, while teaching others how to transform themselves as well. He didn't spill the money from the merchants here because he was subservient to ill intended individuals  He did it to teach them that the sword of truth he brought with him had nothing to do with money and kings. Our true natures, as he taught, was the true divine nature in every living being. That is the nature of ourselves that must be honored.  Not money, fame or earthly power, but the power within that was bestowed upon us from our very beginnings.

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