
Clearing the Path: Union with the I AM

There are some things in our world that go under the radar when it comes to energy and the relationship to the spirit of man.  We all walk our own paths, knowing only that which we've been told or experienced.  Yet if we look at some of the people outside of ourselves that have walked a spiritual path, we'll notice small things about them that seem to defy an explanation for the rest of us.

There are many energies stored in our spiritual bodies as well as our physical.  Some energies are from karma, some from the way we think and also how we feel.  It depends on which way we are directing our energy.  Our own misqualified thoughts or feelings all contribute to our way of living and our well being.  Yet what most of us don't know is that when we are engaging in our every day lives we are either adding to the debris in our fields or taking away from it and clearing the path for greater light.

When you emit thoughts and energies of a lower vibration, those energies collect in your field. Anger, jealousy, hatred and dissatisfaction with ourselves all produce energies that become like tar in our fields.  That tar hinders our ability to allow light in.  When they condense and these negative patterns repeat, we create layers that close off the light that would normally be allowed to flow through our bodies and heart.  It is that light that is needed to flow freely between our cells and within them for us to reach the light of the I AM.

On the other hand, if you experience joy, love, kindness and compassion, those qualities that are lighter in vibration, you gradually begin to clear the negative patterns.  Clearing the accumulation of your own misqualified energy in thought and deed, allows for the spaces between your molecules to raise in vibration.  The releasing of karma is experienced and the spaces between are opened for light and clear a path for the distribution of light from the I AM.

We are all microcosmic and macrocosmic, but to connect the two, above and below, the two must be able to flow together.  It is only the light and the open path that channels that light that can do this.  Opening that path then is as simple as being mindful of our patterns, our thoughts and deeds. Once we establish this in our own beings, our bodies even begin to slow down the aging process.

I like the photo of the Dalai Lama above.  His lifetime(s) of spiritual practice and joy he always shows, is a beautiful example of a well aged man.  Now 82, the Dalai Lama still exhibits the behavior of joy and peace.  Playfulness, like that of Michael Jackson himself, also helps us keep our energy in the higher realms.  Higher energy, more buoyant and radiant, always allows the light to flow less hindered.

Science is in the beginning stages of understanding cellular transmissions.  We have seen many examples in the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" with the water experiment done by Dr. Masaru Emoto. He discovered how our thoughts can impact water molecules.  What do we think our thoughts do in our own bodies?

Now science has begun to understand how transmission between cells happen and they've been studying the effects.  “It is a concept similar to transistor radios,” said Pakpoom Subsoontorn, a PhD.  They have developed a way to amplify sounds between these transmissions.

"In electronics, a transistor controls the flow of electrons along a circuit. Similarly, in biologics, a transcriptor controls the flow of a specific protein, RNA polymerase, as it travels along a strand of DNA"

These strands are likened to smaller stands of energy that must be made clear channels for the light of the higher self to be absorbed.

More on the study can be found here

Below is an excerpt from the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know" and how our thoughts affect the very molecules of our bodies:

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