
The Twin Flame Experience - Doubt

Have you ever been thinking about someone when the phone rings and it's that someone you had been thinking about?  Have you ever had a dream of someone, and soon you hear from them out of the blue?

Many of these types of experiencea we all have in our day to day lives.  Most often we pass them off as "coincidence", or "weird" things that happen and forget about them almost immediately.  It is the subtlety of the experience, the quite whisper that sometimes we catch, then we throw away as soon as we do.

Twin flame experiences are the same.  You "catch" the whisper.  You notice consciously for moments that something has transpired, but as we are brought up to believe, we throw them out quickly.  We haven't been taught about them.  No one has "told" us these things are real or even exist.

It depends on who you ask.  If you were speaking to a yogi, they might tell you it happens all the time.  An enlightened being might say you are in the ocean of the consciousness itself.  Everything is connected.  The all is made available at all times to everyone. You only need reach for it.

Twin flame experiences mirror the "coincidences" in our lives.  They are divine in organization and always have a timing and method to their seemingly elusive nature.  For when you begin to reach into your own personalized I AM presence, are more centered and calm, the experiences begin to come to the forefront and into the consciousness for recognition.

The recognition comes, but if you pass it off, it goes very quickly.  The key to determining whether or not you have access to that other part of yourself, comes when you hold those experiences in your memory.  Pay attention to them.  Remember the feeling, the words, the dream or the vision you had.  When you can confirm the experience, do so.  When you cannot, hold them still.  Remembering always to hold a space for what is actually transpiring in your life, rather than dismissing the reality of all things.

We haven't been taught about this elusive reality of our twin flame soul mates.  We think it's crazy, weird, just coincidence, until we begin to simply pay attention.  Where your attention goes, so does the consciousness.

When I was going through my experiences with Michael, at every juncture of the road I would view the experience as "Wow, that was weird."  Later after I received confirmation that the experience was real, because I would find confirmation of the vision or event, I still would be in disbelief.  "It couldn't be.  It can't be real.  I must be just "psychic".  Yet when events like this happen repeatedly and you begin to pay attention, you'll notice the more you do, the more you will become aware of.

This particular belief pattern is essential to uniting with your flame.  At some point in your life, your entire being will be filled with the desire and will to go somewhere, meet someone, call someone or go to a place you have never heard of and have absolutely no logical reason why.  Logic, our conditioned thinking, has nothing to do with the soul.  Should you hold your "weird" experiences in a place of "could be", logic can be placed aside and you, the being you truly are, can begin to listen to the whispers of your very soul.

Soul whispers aren't words.  They are "feelings".  Feelings that you need to go somewhere, do something or say something at a time when there are not apparent logical reasons.  Holding a place for the experiences you've had in that realm, will allow you to act on these soul whispers when the time is most crucial.  When you do you'll find that the reasons you did where because you were being "drawn" to that thing or place you needed to be.  This is how true twin flame soul mates meet.  They magnetically "draw" each other to themselves.

The next time you have an experience and go to disregard the feeling and "coincidence", remember this.  It could be that you yourself are ignoring the call from the most beloved part of yourself - your twin flame soul mate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is an interesting website that calls the Twin Flames...Essence Twins. The Michael Teachings is not MJ, it's a group entity called Michael, not to be confused with Archangel Michael.
