
Love and Trust

Trust is simple, but rarely given.  If I say I trust you, what do I trust you with?  My life, my things, my job or my security?

Because we are human, we can never surrender total trust to another human being.  We know that we are imperfect, we have flaws, we need to take responsibility for our own lives and know that in the end it is us and us alone we need to trust most.

There is another trust, however, that we can come to know and lean on.  Trust in the divine.  Trusting in the divine is knowing that deep within you your connection to source will always, always guide you in the right direction.  Knowing this quickens your responses, assures you of your safety, and guides you on the path you were meant to be on.

Navigating your life by trusting the divine is easy when you know how.  Connecting to source, being open to the love of all, can and will guide you where you need to be.  We just have to learn to trust in the love that created all things.

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