
Love, Unexpected

Love astounds us when we come into it unexpectedly.  It captures our hearts, it spins us off our feet.  Love unexpected can be light, airy, joyful and full of promise, but when you think love what do you think of?

You're standing in line fed up with the wait when suddenly the giggle of a baby comes from behind you.  You look back to see the joy and you can't help but smile.

Your day at work is full of anxiety and pressure.  One more person calling you on the phone and you feel like you're going to blow.  You come home and collapse in the chair.  Your dog comes up and put his head on your chest, looking up at you with "those" eyes.

Your hurriedly getting ready for a family event, running late as usual.  The kids are dressing themselves as you are making the last minute touches to the dish you're bringing.  Your three year old announces he's "ready".  When you look he is dressed in the pants he had when he was two and has one blue and one black sock on.  His shirt is lopsided from missing the buttons and he grins proudly as he says "Aren't you proud of me mommy?"

The elderly lady next door is the neighborhood gossip.  She can barely walk and all the neighbors talk about her being by herself all the time.  She wobbles out to the street while your daughter is playing in the front yard.  You see her eye your child and a feeling of dread comes to the pit of your stomach.  You think she's going to complain about your child making noise, when she bends over to cut some flowers from her front yard.  She wobbles over to your daughter and offers them for her tea party smiling.

You are out for a hike when an unexpected rain storm rolls in.  Miles from camp, you are cold, wet and tired.  You find a tree who's canopy is just dense enough to shelter you.  Climbing underneath the umbrella, you rest your back on the trunk looking up at the expansive branches.  The once threatening rain pours down around you and suddenly you're sheltered from it's bite.  You look across the way and see a family of deer nestled under another tree.  Suddenly you're stricken with the quietness and wonderment in the way nature really operates.

Appreciation for the little things;  Wonderment in the moments, are all we need to recognize love when it comes to us unexpectedly.  When you think of love, remember that it's the force that has created us.  It is alive and operating in everything and everyone we see.  Manifestations of love abound and the glorious song of it's joy is there when we ourselves are ready to see it.

May we all embrace love and even show it  . . . unexpectedly.