
Believe: The Spider Story

Opening up to your divine self requires you to be open to the possibilities that you are more than you once thought you were.  More than a piece of flesh and bones, we are spirits, souls, dancing in the scheme of life to the tune of love.  Whispers inside of you speak of the ages of knowledge and wisdom we have all known.  We've just forgotten.

Open your mind to the divine.  Think of god.  Think of his kingdom and the wonderous joy he brings the world.  The angels on high sing in unison to the sound of peace and the spirits of nature dance in delight over the earth.  The cool wind blows through the trees and finds a resting place among the flowers in the meadow.  All of these things are divine and so are you.  Our coverings, our wrappings, are different, but inside we all possess a little piece of one another.  A divine seed that connects us to the father mother god we were born from and to.

When you think of yourself think of a huge network all around the world.  Every living thing is connected by tiny little strings.  Each vibration, each sound one creation emits is felt in the strings and is transmitted to all the others.  It's like we are a huge spider web reaching across the globe. The spider knows when he has his prey because he can feel the vibration on his web. This is how nature works.  How your divine self knows things you have no explanation for.

God created the earth, not man.  His rules then are the ones we should play by. Mankind has been long in the darkness of his mind, not letting the sun, the light of our true divinity into his heart.  If we did, we'd see how truly powerful we are.  I suppose this is why (Marianne Williamson) used to say "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure."                              

-M Jackson

*CORRECTION:  I looked up the quote used above and saw Nelson Mandela's name attached to it.  Someone just kindly corrected me.  The quote used about our deepest fears is actually from Marianne Williamson.  All over the net it is attributed to Nelson Mandela's 1994 speech.  I just watched it and it's not even in there!. My apologies to Marianne Williamson <3 p="">
** I should have the timeline completed by Monday.  Have a joyous weekend!