
Mother Earth and the Inner Child

Happy Earth Day!  As we embark on this day we pay tribute to Mother Earth.  May we treat her with the same unwavering love that she treats us with.  Unending in splendor, always giving of her fruits and delightful in her creation.

In honor of Mother Earth, that steadfast mother that is always there, I'd like to go deeper today to the mother we all have within.  For centuries, family patterns have played out all over the earth.  Some patterns have been family oriented, others have been as a by product of religion or society.  Sometimes these things can leave us feeling like we are disposable.  That we don't matter or that no one cares.  This is a most excruciating place to be.  Yet we can feel it as a child and we can also feel it as an adult.

I've posted a video below called "Warming the Stone Child".  It's nature is intended for the unmothered child within us.  However, the word unmothered does not necessarily mean you didn't have a mother.  It can mean simply that the kind of nurturing and support you needed simply wasn't there.  Most likely it wasn't because your mother was withholding it from you.  Most likely it was because she herself didn't know how to give it because she never got it, or perhaps you didn't have a mother at all, or one that was barely there.

An unmothered child could be a child that was not protected during war.  A child that was abused and not protected.  A child that was made to care for their siblings when he or she could barely care for themselves.  A child that was neglected.  A child that was belittled.  A child that was made fun of.  We can all find ourselves in parts of these children.  As adults we carry these hurts with us and if we aren't careful, we turn around and share those hurts again with our children unknowingly.  Yet if we become conscious of what has taken place in our lives and what we need to do to feel better ourselves, we can not only begin healing ourselves but those around us as well.  Particularly the next generation of children.

We all have an inner child that was hurt in some way.  Take time to nurture the child within you and heal those things that have been causing you pain for years.  Taking responsibility for what you feel doesn't mean you had a bad mother, it only means you are taking steps to be the bright light you were born to be and not the product of outside circumstances or people.  Taking back our own authentic power to heal ourselves is the greatest gift we can not only give ourselves, but the greatest gift we can also give to the world.  Bless mother earth today by being like she is - giving of yourself to yourself by nurturing and mothering the child within.