
Living Your Truth

How do you begin to live your truth if you don't know what your truth is?  Some of us have been living the same life all our lives.  We don't know any different and if we do, we sometimes keep some "parts" of our self  hidden so we don't rock the boat.

As I once apparently said "Let them eat cake", I say to you now "Rock the Boat".  Stir things up, start letting the true you out and see what happens.  You'll find some people in your life will react quite drastically to the new you.  If you have been submissive, if you have been idle, or quiet and begin to put down your foot, boundaries or begin to step up to the plate, many people in your life will feel you are "out of control".  That statement in and of itself means this:  You are out of "their" control.

Becoming your own person and living your own truth requires an extensive check on how you "haven't" been your authentic self.  How have you adjusted your life to suit others and if you have, have you severely compromised your principals, happiness and future in doing so?

Ask yourself some of these simple true or false questions:

  1. If someone says something about me I believe it.
  2. If I don't like what someone says about me, it bothers me a great deal.
  3. I try to be "like" everyone else.
  4. I often will agree to go somewhere or do something even if it's not what I want.
  5. I married someone because my friends and family thought I should.
  6. I married someone because I didn't think any one else would love me
  7. I have to be in a relationship because I need someone in my life that makes "me" feel good about "me"
  8. I gossip about other people because putting them down makes me feel better.
  9. I lie to make myself look better even though the person I lie about has done nothing wrong.
  10. I repeatedly sabotage others attempts at success because I'm not happy myself
If you answered true to any of the above statements, you most likely know you have some inner work to do.  Looking to other people, other outside situations for happiness will never achieve sustaining results.  If you find yourself going down the same path again and again trying to find happiness and it isn't working, stop.  That's the definition of crazy:  doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  Look inside, look to your childhood, to your dreams, your passion and your inspiration.  Do more of that, and soon you will find that the simple being and doing of your little thing that you do will lead you to more happiness than anything outside of yourself has in your whole life.  We are beings of creativity, love and awesomeness.  To stifle your growth as a wondrous child of god because you constantly look outside for acceptance, love and support is being in humane to yourself.  When you come to a place of wisdom you will know no one can know yourself and what makes you happy better than you and when you do, you can take steps to get there.

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