
It's All in Your Mind - Easter and the State of the World

Some things even though they are right before us, we fail to see.  We ask friends, try to rationalize and listen to others that we think hold the truth.  Most often we already see what we are looking for.

This holiday as many celebrate Easter and the risen Christ, may you also celebrate the part of Christ that lives within us all.  The part that connects us.  The part that transcends us.  The part that says if Jesus can forgive those that killed him on the cross, I might certainly be able to forgive my enemies.

If he came here for all people, may all people act as one in their Christ selves if only for a day. May we see each being for the divine being they truly are and not for the selfish acts they do.  May the separations between people, faiths, and countries become less important than living in peace and cooperation with one another.  Sometimes this seems so simple, yet we seem to make living in peace a hard thing to do.  As you might have noticed our only true enemy is ourselves.  Michael used to tell me "What enters the mind, the mind enters"; your thoughts are in direct association with your reality.

I 'd like to share some stories:

If a deer is running through the forest in the United States and crosses the border into Canada, does he need a passport?  Is he a Canadian deer or an American deer?

If I was running down the hall and I skimmed my knee in a fall, would it be my responsibility to fix it or the one that built the floor I fell on?

If I was in a fight with my brother and he took my toy, should I get my friends and some weapons to kill him to get it back or talk to him directly?

If I had a million dollars and my neighbor didn't have shoes, should I take my next million and invest it or give some for shoes?

If I was in a political office or just running the household as a mom and my children wanted to go to the movies or the people wanted healthcare should I force my children to pay for the movie even if they didn't have a job/should I force my people to pay for healthcare they couldn't afford?

Two countries live peacefully next to each other for years.  One decides his ancestors came from the country beside them and now he wants to take it back.  He tells his people it is "rightfully theirs".  Should people die because one person has decided on his own agenda?  Should there be war because he has gotten many to agree with him?  What has changed the peace between the countries - the people or the thoughts of the people and who changed them?

The Fish Who Was Thirsty

One night a baby fish was sleeping under some coral when God appeared to him in a dream. "I want you to go forth with a message to all the fish in the sea," God said.

"What should I tell them?" the little fish asked.

"Just tell them you're thirsty," God replied. "And see what they do." Then without another word, He disappeared.
The next morning the little fish woke up and remembered his dream. "What a strange thing God wants me to do," he thought to himself. But as soon as he saw a large tuna swimming by, the little fish piped up, "Excuse me, but I'm thirsty."

"Then you must be a fool," the tuna said. And with a disdainful flick of his tail, he swam away.

The little fish did feel rather foolish, but he had his orders. The next fish he saw was a grinning shark. Keeping a safe distance, the little fish called out, "Excuse me, sir, but I'm thirsty."

"Then you must be crazy," the shark replied. Noticing a rather hungry look in the shark's eye, the little fish swam away quickly.

All day he met cod and mackerels and swordfish and groupers, but every time he made his short speech, they turned their backs and would have nothing to do with him. Feeling hopelessly confused, the little fish sought out the wisest creature in the sea, who happened to be an old blue whale with three harpoon scars on his side.

"Excuse me, but I'm thirsty!" the little fish shouted, wondering if the old whale could even see him, he was such a tiny speck. But the wise one stopped in his tracks. "You've seen God, haven't you?" he said.

"How did you know?"

"Because I was thirsty once, too." The old whale laughed.

The little fish looked very surprised. "Please tell me what this message from God means," he implored.
"It means that we are looking for Him in the wrong places," the old whale explained. "We look high and low for God, but somehow He's not there. So we blame Him and tell ourselves that He must have forgotten us. Or else we decide that He left a long time ago, if He was ever around."

How strange," the little fish said, "to miss what is everywhere."

"Very strange," the old whale agreed. "Doesn't it remind you of fish who say they're thirsty?"

from the book
**DANCING THE DREAM by Michael Jackson**
(published 1992)

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