
Can You Feel It? - Working with the Emotional Body

I don't know about you, but I can definitely feel the changes on the planet.  It seems like it's beginning to gain momentum and the consciousness is not only expanding, but quickening.  Exciting stuff for all of us.  To be incarnate at this time on the planet is indeed a gift.

As we traverse through this time, we must be mindful and conscious of what is transpiring, or we will most likely get swept up in emotions and thoughts that will only lead to our pain and anguish. With the cardinal cross coming in a few weeks (where the planets align at exactly 13 degrees of one another) we have to be careful not to indulge in our feeling bodies when change knocks on our door.  Confusion, anger, rage, sadness, grief, all of these emotions can be contained and recorded in our emotional bodies.  The more we express them, the stronger we make the energy.

So what does this have to do with the planets?  Well, you might have heard about the effects of a full moon, for instance.  Growing up I was always talking about what my father called "woo woo".  It was the psychic stuff that happened and for me it was fascinating to know that there was this other part to ourselves that no one seemed to teach us or talk about.  He teased me about the "woo woo".  We even had a special psychic event I created back in 1992 called "woo woo 92".  Anyway, my father was a police officer and for him everything had to be black and white.  He didn't believe in any "nonsense" or telepathy or psychics.  However, when we talked about the full moon he agreed that every single month on a full moon his prison was full.  Something about the full moon he said made people crazy.

So what is it with the full moon and how does it affect us?  You may have heard that the full moon effects the tides as well.  Our bodies like the earth, are comprised of elements.  Earth, water, fire, and air.  Our emotional bodies are like water, and water, like the tides is effected by the moon. Scientifically speaking, our bodies are 50-75% composition in water.  The magnetic pull of the moon enhances and exaggerates any feeling already stored in the body.  If you were a low tide, you would be lower; a high tide you would be higher.

Each planet, like the moon, carries a certain energy with it that effects us on earth.  As our emotional bodies are effected by outside energies, we must be mindful to protect what is stored there that may become exaggerated.

Many times our emotional bodies contain seeds.  They could be seeds from past lives, this life or planted ones from outside sources.  By this I mean even the television can plant emotional seeds with in you and if you are not conscious of them, you will nurture those seeds, whether good or bad in your own emotional make up.

If I was watching television and I saw scenes of war and desperation; people being killed, children, lets say.  My heart would tighten, my eyes would tear and the scene I viewed would cause emotional upheaval.  If I was watching the news and all I heard were depressing things and my thoughts were filled with how horrible the economy was, I would also "feel" that low vibratory energy within my own being.  Now the things that I have heard and seen have become part of my personal energy field.  As these things are "stored" in my emotional body, I will "retrieve" these feelings as I traverse through my life.

For instance, I run into a friend at the grocery store.  She lost her job and instead of encouraging her, I might get that "feeling" I did when I watched the news.  I might even mention how "horrible the economy is".  It's like a domino effect, only in a very destructive, low vibratory way.

During this time specifically, because our planets are positioned as such, we must be mindful of what we are "feeding" in our emotional bodies.  Don't put anything else negative into them if you want your life to change in a positive way.  Keep away from the news that is negative, watch uplifting programs, and listen to uplifting music.  It all works together, and as we raise our vibrations in this wondrous age, it might not surprise you when the next time you run into your friend at the grocery store, instead of responding with how horrible the economy is, you might instead say how the energy on the planet is shifting.  How things will be made brighter soon.  To accept the changes with grace knowing all things take place when and how they should.  That we are all going in the direction we were meant to go.  Maybe, you might say, you can even feel it.

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