
Your Calling - St Patrick

Opening up to the possibility that you have a place in the world, that your light is needed, that a purpose has been set forth for you is a great endeavor.  Without you, without the music of your soul, our symphony can never be complete.

Life, as it's been said is a finely tuned orchestra.  Perhaps the birds sing, the mountains hum, the creeks babble and the winds howl.  Each life force brings forth the purpose of existence in form.  Each life center knows it's path within and follows that small voice that leads him there.

Today on St Patricks Day many will pay respect to a saint perhaps, or maybe even the identity of St Patrick the ascended master.  If we look at the stories of the saints and great men of yesterday we will see their path had never been easy, but their chosen and  most cherished worth that they have shared with the world, has been described as something of a "calling."  St Patrick himself had a "dream" which called him back to Ireland and back onto his chosen purpose.

We are all called to do something in life.  For some it may be music, others chemistry, others even may be to preach or seek justice.  What ever that calling is, it is ours and ours alone.  There should be no one and nothing that deters you from the "calling" you are called to.

Some readers wonder how earth will ascend.  They see the sever dysfunction in society and wonder if it will ever happen.  Part of Man in the Mirror PROJECT will be to help reveal your purpose.  Part will be breaking down old patterns, and as you reach for a higher ground you will lift in light all that surrounds you.

We will all take our rightful places if we choose in following our path and finding our song.  You as a woodwind or a flute will play out your raised vibration in harmony with the rest of our world.  As you ascend you will help the earth and others ascend as well just by your BEING here.  What a wonderful and all beneficial way to help our world.  By helping yourself, you automatically raise the vibration of all others.

Today focusing on the trinity of the clover, our wisdom, power and love flames of our heart and the reflection of each heart with rightful purpose, I celebrate your love and commitment to not only yourself but to following your path and calling as St Patrick did.  For in the end it will always be in the oneness that all will benefit.  Happy St Patricks Day!

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