
Man in the Mirror PROJECT - Making Concessions/Your Purpose

"This is your moment to shine"

- M Jackson

Definition of CONCESSION

a :  the act or an instance of conceding (as by granting something as a right, accepting something as true, or acknowledging defeat)

What are concessions?  Parts of our world that we hold within ourselves that allow another person to be valid with their experience.  We can "hold our tongue", "hold our truth", or simply be silent.  While holding our tongue may serve us well sometimes, there are other times we simply must speak up.  We as individual souls hold the power and uniqueness within us to be "ourselves".  Simply put, never dim your light because of someone else.

If we want our world to shine, we must shine ourselves.  Within each one of us lives an eternal song that yearns to be sung.  We sometimes "learn" to hinder our song, make concessions because of others, or simply throw our song out the window because we "feel" it can't be in our lives.  At the same time, our song continues to creep back up.  The yearning, the feeling to do "that thing" comes back into play often many times in our lives.  The key here is to realize "that thing" is your song.

We each have a purpose.  Most often it is revealed to us again and again, but often we don't see it for what it is.  We disguise it and label it, ridicule it, and put it down.  How can "that" be my purpose or what "change" will I make with a purpose like that?  But we must allow ourselves to be who we are to discover not only our purpose but what our life is all about.

If it's true that all of life is this great symphonic orchestra, then the world will be so much less with out you playing your part in our song.  Won't you take the time and give yourself the space to experience your passion?  No matter how silly it sounds, or how little of a "thing" you might think it is, begin to take steps to live it. For in the end, the joy your passion brings to you in the experience, you also bring to the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fabulous wisdom from Michael's spirit on the below Blog which would be great to add as a link on your sidebar and great for people who read this Blog......
