
Man in the Mirror PROJECT: Re-wiring from Addiction

It's Monday.  The sound of the word, the meaning; what does it say to you?  Perhaps that it's a work day, a school day, a back to the grind day.  How does it feel?  Does it drag you down, a feeling of foreboding, a emotional downer or an uplifting moment of anticipation for the day?

Every word in our language we attach not only a definition to, but also an emotion.  One word, like "Monday", if you notice, will bring a whole network of meanings and emotions within your being.  Notice.  This network was created by repeating patterns of behavior, thoughts and emotions of your past.  Noticing and being in the present we can get in touch with that pattern, discern it, then if need be, break it down and create a new one.

This idea stems from the knowing that we are all comprised of four lower bodies.  Our emotions, our mental bodies (thoughts), our spiritual bodies (what we brought into this life and the life giving body) and our physical bodies.  All bodies effect all of the others.  In the above "for instance" we can see how it happens.  One word brings about our thoughts about Monday, and our emotions.  If we dig deeper we can also "feel" the emotion in our physical bodies and somewhere it also is effecting us spiritually.  This pattern is imprinted into our beings.

If we think about ourselves as energetic beings, there are parts that may be seen with our eyes and parts that are not.  Our emotions that we feel we cannot see with our eyes, yet we know that they are there.  We "feel" them.  Our energetic bodies are the same way.  Some will bring the patterns of our past lives with them, some will store new patterns and energy and some will "feel" these patterns in play.

Part of the work with Man in the Mirror PROJECT is to uncover some of the patterns we have been replaying in our lives and through out past lives.  As we notice, as we uncover these seeds that have been planted, you will also begin to remember your past lives.  As we clear away old energies, the light of your true self, the soul will emerge.  It only stands to reason then, that you will become conscious of what is stored in the soul and who you truly are as well.  Remembrance of your past lives, awakenings to your patterns will come slowly at times as if awakening from a dream.  At others, you will have as what Oprah Winfrey has once called them, "ah ha" moments.  Sudden realizations will hit you and you will marvel at the truth and simplicity of the revelation.

Our first step in this process is to focus on what you feel, in the moments that you feel the emotion, to ask yourself questions about why you feel that way, then as if you are the witness, notice how you react to the emotion and again ask yourself why.

For each negative emotion; anger, frustration, judgement, ridicule; ask if this is something you truly feel or simply something you are doing because someone taught you this.

For example: I feel I have to rush through shopping because I need to be home.  Someone is waiting and I have to be there.

I question why:  Well my dogs are there, my husband is there, they will be mad if I don't return soon.

Is it true that they will be mad?  When the answer is no, I ask myself where I programmed my belief system like this.  Looking back I might realize my mother rushed around constantly afraid my father would be mad if she took too much time.  She didn't teach me this by telling me, and my teacher didn't have it in a book, I picked it up subconsciously and now her pattern has become mine. The cycle stops when we become conscious.

I realize I no longer need to feel rushed.  I can take my time and there is no valid reason I need to hurry through my shopping.  I am witnessing how I feel, I am mentally reviewing the subconscious story, and now I can change it.  Re-routing, re-programming can make this pattern disappear.  In future shopping trips the feeling will come on again.  The next time I will recognize it right away. The next time I will reinforce my new story, that there is no reason I need to feel rushed, the only reason I had in the past is because I never noticed my patterned behavior.

Every time you reinforce the new pattern, you will begin to escape what St Germain calls our "ruts".  A new connection, a new network pattern will be established and soon with enough noticing and enough re-wiring, we'll be well on our way to better lives.

The following video shows a review of how these patterns play out internally in all of us, whether we are addicted to a specific emotion or addicted to a drug to suppress those emotions.



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