
Are You Ready For Love?

Holding our dreams and wishes in our hearts for a true love, one who loves us completely, one we can trust, one that will be there no matter what, is something that is universal.  All of us want love, the feeling of belonging in the world, protection, trust and all the other things that make love so wonderful.  We can think about it, hope for it, look for it, but do we actually "believe" we can find it?

There has often been so much hurt in our lives, so much longing and so much pain that it's hard to see the opportunity for love some times.  Has there been too many years of struggle and your heart has seemed to stop caring?  For many of us the weathers of life have taken their toll.  We drudge through our every day, bogged down by the ideas of modern man and the "realness" of our every day world.  Struggle, jobs, security, loves that come, lie and leave.  It's easy to shut down our hearts in such a world, but I beacon you to enter into a new one.

Inside your heart you still have a flame. That flame burns the hope of an everlasting love that has been with you since the beginning of time.  I invite you to enter the chamber of the heart center.  To sit in silence knowing that there is the place of oneness with not only your creator, but the one who will fulfill all your hopes in dreams for love.  He or she is there.  Has been there and is waiting for you.  Find them there and you will also find yourself.  Believe it.  Feel it and bring it into manifestation.

You must "believe" in perfect love before you can recognize it.


Anonymous said...

I know you have banned my comments Debbie LOL.. Oh well...It's all still for Love.....;-)

What many people don't realise is that we can have many Flames, true loves (if you want to use the word Flame) My Guides use the word Eternal Flame sometimes. If I'm connecting to one of my loves/ Guides (who are a Collective), They will say, We are Eternal Flames. To truly find true love, you must first love yourself. We are ALL surrounded by Unconditional love at ALL times, (and as you say) to open one's heart centre is where you will find and feel this LOVE, whether it's God/Divine, an Angel, a close Soulmate, a Soul Group member etc etc.... LOVE is always available. It's not a case of finding "the one" anymore which I think makes a lot of people depressed because they think they have to find "the one". The one is always in your heart and we all experience love with many different people is lots of different ways

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to share. I know you won't post the comment. Never mind :-) I have a very lovely medium friend and I asked him recently how he saw my Higher Self. Below is what he said. I thought quite lovely.. Colours of Love (as we all are)

Well, I can tell you the colors I see. Maybe that will help you...or maybe not. :-) I see lavender...a lot of that...I also see wisps of gold. a border of green and red. there is a spinning (looks like thread) of silvery white near your head, arms, legs, and Heart. you have many beautiful colors, :-) and, they say these colors reflect who you are, and that you needn't worry over not being in tune with your True Self. They say you already are, and that isn't possible to be anything else but that. They say we are who we are....:-)

I loved what he said. It's so beautiful to realise we ALL are a mixture of beautiful colours and we are connected at the heart level to our Higher Self/selves which reflect who we are, each of us the expression/individual of our Higher Self/selves.