
It's Coming! New ASTRO News with Maria Shaw

The Cardinal Cross and the Eclipse Season is Coming

By Maria Shaw Lawson 

Talk, communicate, write, ask...you will likely find support for the things you wish to do. On March 29, Venus will trine Mars while it squares Saturn so it's a fine time to get folks to make good on their promises and pitch in.

The New moon in Aries falls on March 30 and it ends a relatively quiet week. But not for long as the new moon will usher in a crazy period because it is conjuncted by unpredictable Uranus and squared by Pluto and Jupiter. This crazy energy creates all sorts of issues with people who all want different things from you or situations that make you feel like you are being pulled in different directions.

What's happening that you need to be most prepared for? It's called the Grand Cross. The Grand Cross is most difficult for Aries, Libra Cancers and Capricorns but your chart too will light up whenever the Cross is present.

The powerful eclipses and Grand Cross will push us all forward in life. If you have been holding onto issues, people, and situations from your past, it is now time to let them go. If you don't, the cosmos will do the work for you and it may not be as pleasant. What you thought was secure and would always be in place may no longer be. But between the Grand Cross and the eclipses, we will be forced to live the life we were born to live. Even if we are scared to make the first step, we could be pushed to make it. This mean changes in relationships, job, homes, paths, dreams etc. Watch for the changes.

See what messages come out of the April energy. It is an exciting time because we will be getting messages from the Universe, some very clear and concise.

All of the planets involved in the Grand Cross are Cardinal Signs, which represent the following areas of our lives...





Cardinal signs affect major aspects of our life, so during a Cross such as this one, we will feel more tension than usual. We could feel like we are being stretched to the limit in all of the areas above at once.

April 23, is the day to circle on your calendar when the four planets will all be stationed at exactly 13 degrees. Check to see if you have anything at 13 degrees in your chart in one of these signs or planets.

Aries -Uranus

Cancer- Jupiter

Libra - Mars

Capricorn -Pluto

April 23 WILL BE an eventful day. MANY OF YOU WILL HAVE a breaking point.


So this is also a turning point in our lives too. Look forward to it but also be prepared for it. It's likely you have been feeling the tension for some time and now it peaks.

(This is not a time to consult with someone who says they do a "little astrology". Make sure whomever you book a reading about with month really knows astrology. This is serious stuff here.)

Suffice to say, April brings lots of twists and turns. We have an eclipse season coming! April 15 and April 29 will be the hot button days! But all of April will be a wild card. Things may happen you would never expect to. Sudden turn of events happen. You may think something is going one way.... then boom! It turns and takes another direction. Look to where the eclipses fall in your chart as to what they will bring you.

If you don't know you can always order a one-question reading from me and ask "How will the April eclipses affect my life?" You may ask a second question for 1/2 off about how the Grand Cross will affect you.

Click here to ask

Special Note: April 17
is a good day to manifest!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More information on the mystery surrounding Twin Souls/Twin Flames etc from the Ascended Masters

It's a terminology that humanity has been given by the Ascended Masters to bring an understanding of why people feel so attracted, not always so much in the physical sense, but at times more energetically to another being because you come from the same energetic flame point, or same energetic Ray, or for the same energetic family, and to try and explain, we at times will use a symbiology or an explanation that has been accessible for understanding at a certain time of the human evolution, and what has happened as this has gone on for decades to decades etc, this begins to wear thin after awhile in your awarenesses in the human evolution. When one's frequency/vibrations become higher and higher you may begin to seek out the higher meaning of twin soul, twin flames, twin rays etc and begin to understand what they truly mean there are many variances and many understandings of the coverings of this and you find the greater meaning for yourselves and it is true that you should come to this understanding.

It's a general energy imprint signature that you are drawn to at that moment, because if you are truly honest with yourself with Twin Flames and with Twin anything you are joining together for a moment of your energy, you go through the experience that you go through and once it is done and completed that signature drawing no longer is as strong or even there and so there begins a natural separation of that intensity and another energy signature imprint begins to be drawn into you so you may yet fulfil and bring more completion into your own journey and so it is that these are set in motion for you to begin to experience.
Q&A Answer from Jeshua....