
Man in the Mirror PROJECT - Behind the Scenes

In the early seventies there was a TV show called the Jackson 5.  One of the voices of one of the characters on the show had a very familiar voice.  I didn't know how I knew the voice and wasn't sure if the voice even belonged to someone real.  I watched every Saturday morning staring at this cartoon figure wondering why I felt as I did.  My grandmother later teased me about liking the little black boy on the cartoon.  It was my first indication that the little black boy was even real.  I was six years old.

I had what I would call, or thought was, an imaginary friend at that time.  Little things I would think and do, let me know that someone else was somewhere that I was thinking about.  I would have to "tell him" about what happened that day or think wait until "he" finds out about this.

It wasn't until I was older and caught myself in conversations with what I thought was myself did things start to change.  The conversations were about the world.  What was happening and how sad it was that children were being abandon and killed all over the world.  I cried myself to sleep most every night during this time, asking God why anyone would allow these things to happen.

I recognized Michael's voice again when I first heard the song "Rock with You".  It wasn't just an odd moment, it literally hit me in my midsection sending me down to the floor.  I had no idea what had hit me and vowed to find out who was behind the voice I was hearing.

Michael held the hope for me to heal our humanity.  I had written him a letter very timely just before the release of "We Are the World".  Our dreams, our conversations together, always involved healing something.  He had a responsibility and an opportunity to use his status in society to make great change.  I urged him to that and unbeknownst to me, so did another group I met later in my life called the Brotherhood of Light.

The Brotherhood of Light is a group of beings that help humanity as a whole.  They are constantly working to our benefit and many times intercede on our behalf.  But they can't always intercede and many times need willing souls to help them do their work on earth.  It was during the nineties that I first encountered the Brotherhood.  When I felt a presence at the end of my bed I asked who it was.  I was told the following:  "It is not I, it is we.  When you think of yourself, think of us, When you think of us, think of yourself." or something to that effect.  The jest being that whoever was doing the speaking wanted me to know they were all equals, that all of them, including myself were connected.  This happened during a conversation with Michael and a request was made that we help them organize the consciousness of man.  I agreed not knowing how I could help or even what that meant, but their presence, their light and humbleness made me feel a love and peace so great that I knew it was the right thing to do.

St Germain - Our twin ray
endowing us with inspiration to
make change for freedom for all people.
Michael and I tried many times since then to try and physically come together.  We would stand right in front of each other sometimes looking at one another, but not be allowed to approach.  I have to laugh, because many times we did laugh when we saw each other.  I suppose if you watched us, you might have thought it was a game, but it wasn't.  We incarnated here on earth with a purpose and that purpose was with the Brotherhood of Light.

During the path, however, it wasn't always that clear.  I was confused and didn't think it was possible for someone to speak to someone else telepathically.  No one, well I never heard of such a thing and thought it was crazy. I kept the secret close to my heart and when Michael finally told me his name and told me not to tell anyone, I laughed.  Who would believe me anyway?

He was a dear friend, sometimes like a coworker in the light, sometimes like a brother, definitely a teacher, and even at times a lover and a father.  Love comes in many forms and I think we may experience each level of love with our twins before we move to the next level.  Many times we talked about getting married.  Early on we thought it would be nice to adopt a child from every country, and have one of every color.  It would be like our own world in a small little family.  In the end, it was a home in Vegas where he could work steadily and have a normal life.

But having a normal relationship wasn't all of what I felt about Michael.  At times I had asked him to teach me.  He seemed so sure of our connection, showing up in place after place at each one of my requests, and I, still not believing it was him until it showed up on the news somewhere.  In his mind it was real, and in mine I felt it impossible.  Society had not taught us about such things, and for me, what would a pop star so famous want with me?  He had his choice of a million women and it didn't make sense he would ever want anything to do with me.

I was told many times Michael had something to prove.  He wanted to let me know it was real.  Yet I had to come to that conclusion myself.  I had to go through all the beliefs and patterns I had going on within myself to allow myself to believe that it was real and because of it, I also blocked most of my feelings about Michael out.  I could not allow myself to feel something for someone I had no control over my emotions for.  Yet that was just it.  Because I didn't allow it, didn't mean they weren't there and I've had to work through all of that again since his passing.

We've been through many hurdles, and at one time I had said we needed the strength of an elephant to get through this.  Little did I know even what I was talking about then, but in retrospect it is now all very clear.  We have grown closer and have been able to continue our relationship even though he has passed.  Something at times I think perhaps the Brotherhood has played a part in.  We have both received counsel from an ascended master named Kuthumi and have been directed by Saint Germain.  As I write this, I know how weird this might sound to some of you, but I ask that you keep an open mind.

We have been on this earth for a very long time.  We have been in this habit of viewing our reality as something that has been dictated to us outside of ourselves.  We have churches, we often pray, but few times do we believe our prayers are heard.  Too few times do we speak about our father in heaven or the angels or wonderful parts of our souls that we almost seem to deny.

We watch the television for entertainment and are fed images in the public eye that seemingly tell us we need to be like "this" or "that" in order to be "normal" or to be "accepted".

I'm not one to put myself in that box anymore.  It never worked for me, and I don't know about you but no matter how hard I try I'll never get that Kardashian butt or Farrah Faucet hair.  Even if I did, tomorrow it would change.  I'd be going on to find some new fashion, some new thing I needed to "be" for the rest of my life.  My life would never be my own.  I'd always be chasing someone elses dream.  That's why Michael used to say "shine".  We have to find our own dream, our own music and live the lives we choose.  Not only that, but to achieve the purpose we were sent here to achieve.  To come to terms with our true identity - our divine identity; not the one we have created on the outside.

And that brings me to our purpose and in the inspiration behind Man in the Mirror PROJECT.  It's intent is to help  you break down the patterns I had to once break down myself.  To help you come to terms with your own divine self and see life differently.  If we do this ourselves, we'll all be well on our way to making effective change in the world as well.  If we shine our light long enough, it's bound to encourage others to do the same.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Michael's soul is connected to so much more than his Michael Jackson Persona and many people have this connection with his energy (through who he is connected to in spirit) Many many people are connected to his Consciousness, (if you need to label these connections of Soul Journeys, Soulmate, Twin Soul Twinflame or whatever, it doesn't matter, they are all special and unique.

This is very true what you say here....I was told the following: "It is not I, it is we. When you think of yourself, think of us, When you think of us, think of yourself." or something to that effect. The jest being that whoever was doing the speaking wanted me to know they were all equals, that all of them, including myself were connected.
Love comes in many forms and I think we may experience each level of love with our twins before we move to the next level.

You are not alone Debbie and there many who work on this Ray with the Ascended Masters to heal our world. They (like you) have been contacted by the Brotherhood and have the connection with Michael's spirit who is so much more that the persona of Michael Jackson.


Also a friend of mine (who is a highly evolved soul) had this to say about Soul Connections......
"I come from a place of oneness; there is no separation
Perhaps because from a place of oneness it doesn't matter. We are all one anyways:-) I don't think we are closer to some souls than others. It's all about vibration. But it all depends on how we decide to see things I suppose. And what we want to believe:-)

We are all in this together...........

ElevenSeven said...

Thank you for your comments. It all does come down to what we want to believe for all of us.

What is it that you do for your seventh ray work?

Anonymous said...

Spreading Love and teaching about how we all are Divine, much like Michael taught. I have a childlike way about me like Michael. I have many things in common with my love for children, animals, plus I am involved in many Blogs who work to " Heal the World" with Michael's spirit...:-)

ElevenSeven said...

Thats great! :) Where do you teach?

Anonymous said...

Everywhere. People come to me in all sorts of ways. By just being Love to everyone wherever it may take me.....:-)