
The Dance; Twins and Soul Groups

I chose this photo because the spokes are
arranged in such a fashion that there are
two together - as in twins unified creating
both wholeness together and with the group.
Little did I know that when my friend Maurie Pressman passed that there would be a merging of consciousness.

I first noticed little things.  A clearer communication, higher vibrations, and an easier connection with the masters.  During meditation last evening I was given the reason why.

Maurie was/is apparently in my soul group. He has met with his flame on the other side of the veil as well as others in our soul group.  The more in the group that begin to raise their vibration, the greater the field of consciousness.  The expanded consciousness is then shared by the group.  The twins, as in this case, are merely the catalysts for the movement into a unified field.  Ever more greatly expanding, expanding.

Unison with a flame, as he has put it, is like this on the other side; your fields emerge, you entice and play, the union is in song, in dance and in harmony.  It is pulsating rhythm, ever expanding consciousness, union in soul, not in body, but a joining in the solar plexus, the spirit of all things.  The dance ensues as the two intertwine with mind and soul, rhythmic, vibrating, joining and expanding.  All encompassing, all feeling, all blissful union of self.  Blissful states that come and go pulsating in space, within and all around you.

The field created is felt by others.  Those in close proximity and those in your group.  Your shared consciousness then becomes one in the field with the others.  We are now joined like spokes on a wheel all dancing in unison connected at the center in perfect harmony.

This is the work of the self and one must strive to achieve a state of higher consciousness to join and experience the "dance".  When this level is achieved, the energies, your energies must be guarded. Anyone and everything you think and feel contributes to not only your twin, but your group as well. Discord then, negative thoughts, feelings and vibrations are rippled through the ethers to not only your twin but the others in the group.  Twins feel emotions and vibrations from one another, at this stage so does then your group.  The stronger the group becomes in unison, the more is felt.  I have been put on notice that whatever I do down here will be felt up there.  I guess I can't go back to pretending I don't know.(lol)  And I shouldn't fall back into thinking I should be ONE with the "in" crowd;  Maybe go drinking and buy a few Prada bags.  This is the stuff we are made of and what's real.  No Prada bag ever gave me so much joy anyway.  At least not for long.

Below is what Michael had to say about the "dance" when he lived:

Dancing the Dream

Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on. On many an occasion when I'm dancing, I've felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I've felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists. I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known. I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and creation merge into one wholeness of joy.

I keep on dancing and dancing.......................and dancing, until there is only .................the dance.

Michael Jackson

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