
Man in the Mirror PROJECT - The Seven Sacred Pools of Reflection

There are seven sacred pools that exist as reflections of the self.  Each contains patterns that transmit thoughts and feelings into our physical world.  We offer this information so that a student can be aware of his or her thoughts and attitudes in order for transmutation to occur:

The first pool is the sacred pool of knowledge.  Held here are the patterns all view as truth.  Within yourself you hold values and have placed beliefs on things that transpire in your world.  All of which may or may not be true.  Sacred pool language says to reflect on all things you currently hold to be true.  Reflection within and without can be made by looking at the belief with new eyes and without judgement.  Each pool will contain seeds that need to be brought out and others that will need to be nurtured.

The second sacred pool is the pool of wisdom.  This pool reflects the lessons you have learned in this lifetime and in others.  This pool can assist you by accessing wisdom and learned knowledge from your past.  The wisdom pool reflects our trust in your divinity and will test your faith.

The third pool is the pool of spirit.  The pool of spirit contains the seed for which you have come to believe about your spiritual self.  Do you live on?  Do you exist on a higher plane?  Does the soul have worth?  These questions come into play when you begin to realize your true potential and your reach for your higher self.  The master explains that these energies are that of the elohim or light energy needed to manifest spiritual virtues in the body.

The fourth pool is that of the soul itself.  What does the soul possess but ideas and stimuli brought from lifetimes of knowledge.  Your purpose, the events that will unfold to lead you to that purpose and the conditioning and reinforcement of the lessons learned on your path in this life and others.  Reflection on this pool and your past lives and their implications on this one will lead you to a greater understanding of the self.

The fifth pool is that of the flesh.  What ideas do you hold about yourself in the body?  Do you believe you are the person who is reflected in the mirror?  Do you value yourself as your body only or do you see past the flesh into the realm of spirit?  Reflection on this pool will allow you to see the values you place on your physical self.  Is this self real, transforming, or merely an image or projection of matter?  What value do you place on it and is it correct or is it seeing the bigger picture in your life?  These are the questions to reflect upon within to receive the answers and reflections to help you on your path.

The sixth pool is that of your health.  What value to you place on your health?  Where is your health at for your spiritual self, your physical health and your mental self?  Do you maintain and heal these areas of yourself on a normal basis or does disease, thought and stern beliefs hold you back from achieving optimal performance and longevity?  These areas are all inter related.  Each plays a part in your well being.  Reflect upon your health with the thoughts you have about your health, whether or not they are true, and how to change them.  Reflect upon your spiritual health by asking what you do to maintain it.

The seventh sacred pools have to do with coming to terms with the full self.  Body, mind and soul.  Reflecting on who you are as in individual, what role you play in your day to day life and how you manifest things into your life.  What are your responsibilities to yourself and to your outside world?  Who will be your guide, your mentor and what will be your greatest challenges, your greatest strengths?  All of these reflections will lead you down a road of inner understanding of who you are.  If you know who you are and are honest about your findings, you can transform your life into something even more miraculous than it is today.  Take time for you and you will come to know yourself.  When you do you will also come to know me.

source - El Morya
El Morya is an ascended master helping humanity into our next stage of evolution


Anonymous said...

Incredibly beautiful and moving. Thank you for sharing the Seven Sacred Pools of Reflection.

ElevenSeven said...

Thank you so much for your generous comment and taking the time to write <3