
Mira on Becoming Whole - Union with a Twin Flame

Ingredients for Wholeness: Simplicity and faith, Love and devotion

"A single flower,
a rose petal,
the break of dawn,
the breath of life.
The strumming of the stream as it cascades over the rocks;
The hills alive with color in the morning sun.
A breath of fresh air - your lungs expand, your nostrils cool and your body is nourished.  All of this in a moments time without a thought; without wonder, yet do we take for granted what we are, what we have or what we will become?

Becoming whole yourself is what you will seek before uniting with a twin flame - it is here within the self - self knowledge and mastery, that you will gain the skills necessary to advance to higher planes of consciousness.  Wonderment in every day activities; seeking God in the seemingly mundane and questioning why it is you think and do all the things you have done before without thought, without reflection, without regard to the all of life.

There are three steps to acquire:
1.  Self inquiry
2.  Self realization
3.  True purpose - what is it that drives your passion within the soul?

This is your task, to seek beauty in all things; recognize yourself, see yourself in others and finally to know yourself within.  Here will be divine union - and union with the flame."

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