
Man in the Mirror PROJECT - Making Time to "Be"

Being present, in the moment and not thinking about our day to day activities is what is required for true definition of the soul.  We can say we are spiritual beings, but to be one is quite a different story. Many of us are distracted with our daily activities.  Living in the moment and being truly present with who we are requires skill, dedication and time. We lose our focus when our mind drifts to the future, things that need to be done, others that require our attention.  When this happens we forget we are who we are, we drift into the unconscious patterns of thought once again and lose our center.  Being here, being in who we are and not what we think we are allows us to ground ourselves in our being.  The being is the core, the center of who you are, the source from which all life flows.  Taking time to connect to that space allows us to connect to life itself.  To breath in the breath of delight, of release and of contentment.  To be in the moment means to enjoy life just for the splendid second for what it is.  Not to judge it, not to condemn it, but to ponder at the experience of it.

Being all there is to know in this world is not easy, but it's not impossible. Seeing your reality for what it is most often is misshapen by our views of the world.  But those views aren't fixed and as you grow older, most often your perceptions of your world change.

Drugs, crime, violence and foes have always been present in our culture.  Some will succumb to them, others surpass them.

Angels, demons, fairies and other life forms are also present in our life stream.  Some see them, others deny their existence.

Life force beyond the physical has taken a new dimension among many students in the healing arts. Some believe in that power of healing, others still cannot comprehend it.

For many our songs, our natures of self, have been hidden for so long and stuffed down a smoky pipe of glass and mirrors that we have forgotten our true potentials.  We can succumb to who we have been brought to believe we are or we can decide to "be" who we think we should be.  Maybe it is a poor boy who wishes to become rich.  A little girl who dreams of flying.  I can think of Warren Buffet and Amelia Earhart, both of whom made their dreams come true.  The difference in people who don't and the people who do is the knowledge and belief that they can.  They have made the time to "be" who they wish to "become".

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