
Man in the Mirror PROJECT - Freeing Ourselves from Our Emotions

It's been said that before you can make your ascension (climb the heights of spiritual perfection) you must learn to master your four lower bodies; spiritual, mental, physical and emotional.  I've often wondered how is that we can master our emotional bodies when society itself seems to dictate that we are a product of our feelings.  Not so.

One of my new favorite books has become Stephen R. Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  In it he explains that although Hollywood has scripted us to believe we are not responsible for our emotions, that we are a product of our emotions, it simply isn't true.  One of the most famous quotes taken from his book is that love is a verb, not a noun or something to possess, but something you do.

As such it would imply you must engage a choice in choosing to love, which brings us back to our other bodies and patterns set forth that would make us make such a choice.  Our mental body, for example, most likely contains the thoughts and seeds that have been ignited to produce this powerful emotional feeling.  In the case of our twin flames, it may be the spiritual body that may evoke such an emotion, however in either case this doesn't mean that those emotions should wreak havoc on our lives.  We have a choice to understand where it came from and in essence get to the underlying reasons and either make change or settle ourselves into the knowledge and be at peace with it.

Simply put, we can use our emotions to trace back to the roots of our patterns that need changing in order for us to lead happier more fulfilling lives.  Say I have a chronic feeling of loneliness.  My parents and family abandon me and my former husband left me.  I feel unloved and the actions of those around me have left me feeling unworthy of love.  I may then reach out for anyone to love me.  After all I am desperate.  Yet inside I may believe that no one "could" love me.  My own parents don't love me, so in turn I may seek out someone who I know will also "not love me."

So here is the pattern.  We have a feeling that came from thoughts.  These thoughts are not necessarily true.  They are the reflection and perception of a behavior of others.  In this case, it would be feasible to say I have empowered the weakness of my parents, family and past relationship to control my emotional life.  I feel lonely.  I should, after all, everyone has left me.  Now since this belief is intact and I have reacted to these outside forces (other people) I will continue my pattern.  I will engage in the self fulfilling prophecy to reinforce the pattern of belief - that I am not worthy of love.  I may choose abusive partners, engage in cheating activity, or other self destructive behavior, but the fact remains that unless I become conscious of the pattern I will continue to self loath and blame these outside forces; other people, circumstances and situations for the emotional well being of my life.

Is that true?  Do I need to feel the victim of every person willing to step on me or do I have the ability to take control of my own life?  The crime here is that in this case it is not the person being left with the inability to love, it is those that are doing the leaving.  Once this is realized the person can begin to take back their power over their own emotional well being.  We have a choice.  To empower that which others have given us because of their own weaknesses or to empower ourselves with the knowledge that we have a choice to accept feeling unworthy.  We have a choice to take responsibility for our own emotional well being and happiness.  This frees us from feeling like the victim.  For every time our thoughts turn to "But so and so did this or that" we re-route our pattern of thinking by enforcing our new pattern with "it doesn't matter what so and so did or didn't do, I make the choice to . . "  Now the power and the control of our emotional body is back in our hands.  We cannot control the choices of others, what they do, say and how they feel, but we can control how we react.  We can become a victim repeatedly by being only reactionary to others or we can empower ourselves by becoming pro-active with our thoughts and emotions.  This is the path of self mastery of the emotional body.

Use the following as your guide:

My chronic feeling is:  _____________________________________________

The thoughts associated with this feeling are:  _________________________________________

These thoughts came from this experience and/or person(s) in my life ________________________

As a result of their actions or this experience I felt _______________________________________

I accept responsibility for my own well being by no longer reinforcing this belief but by countering this belief with my new thought that is of self mastery:

I am free from this emotion because I choose to not succumb to reacting to this continually in my life.  I now choose to change this thought to one of my own self empowerment and one of love for myself.

Every time you feel this emotion you must consciously engage in this process once again.  Over time you will re-route the pattern set into motion within you and soon you will be entirely free of the feelings that once controlled you.  You will now be in control of them, no longer "looking" for a reason to eat, to drink, to be unhappy, or otherwise because you will no longer be "self fulfilling" that need.

Below is a visual of how our patterns play out internally, taken from the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know":

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