
We're Not Lost

"It's the tick tock of the beating heart that makes life worth while.  We struggle, we imagine, we contemplate, we even try to superimpose our ideas on others, but we don't listen to the beating of our own hearts.

What's it saying?  Who is it saying it to?  What's it there for if not to be expressed.  Unlimited emotion, bubbling over, screaming to be heard, longing to be loved.

We are all children of god, waiting to express our divinity in the form of love.  Expressed through eons of time and limitless creation we sing in harmony with all of nature, all of life, in the orchestra within our very own souls.  We live there.  That's where it began, and that's where we will end up.

Where is the song?  How do you hear it?  Where will it lead?

A heartbeat, a rhythm, a dance of the ocean, waves of consciousness, waves of wonder and eons of time.  All pulsating to the rhythm of life.  Pumping, beating, vibrating with sounds of delight, wonder, love and mystery.

Do you hear it?  Do you feel its pulsey rhythm?  Can you find it?

When you do you find me and when I do I find you.  We are never truly lost."