
News Report Confirms Location of Suicide

Our local news has confirmed the location and cause of death for Matthew Lyzen, the young man
I posted information about yesterday.

Matthew's body was found in a wooded area just North of the Clinton River.  This was the river my yoga teacher and I had been walking.  There was a bridge just a few blocks over where we started and we had gone that way several times.  For some reason I saw an old blue car and there was a auto place near that side of the river.  The "old blue car" has not been confirmed, but the cause of death and location have.

I am devastated by the loss of this young man.  He was such an amazing spirit, I can only imagine what a wonderful person he was.  I can only hope that others who feel the same way, lost, lonely or depressed, seek counseling, a hotline, anything that can help.  I know it might seem hokey for some to ask for help, but you must.  When you feel like no one cares, or want to lash out and hurt yourself, you simply must find the strength to help yourself.  Love yourself enough to take control of your own life.  We can be victims to many things, but mostly our own minds.  That's sometimes all it takes.  A change of thought, a change of feeling and a new outlook.  Much can be learned from deaths like these and the soul does live on.  Just because you take your life doesn't mean "everything" goes away.  The feelings stay with you.

Matthew and I have agreed to engage in a video game competition when I pass.  Although I have a feeling he'll be kicking by butt when it happens.  He says we'll play a game called "Blackstar".  My kids play but I've never heard of that one.  I looked it up and found a trailer for it and posted it below.  He was remarking about the swirls shown here.  A while back he told me about these swirly holes he could create on the other side.  These were the things he used to jump from one place to another.  He liked it, he said, because it was like a video game.

Here is the link to the news story regarding Matthew:  Lyzen