
Man in the Mirror PROJECT: The Art of Transformation

We all have inner dialogue in our heads that speaks out even when we don't ask it too.  One look in the mirror can give us an "I'm so fat" statement or the sight of a happy couple might even return an "I'm all alone."

Over the weekend I was blessed to attend the Oprah Life You Want Weekend.  On Saturday, beautiful soft cover booklets were distributed.  In them were many beautiful pictures, poems, affirmations and a section on "our work".  Part of that work was creating a new vision for our lives.  But as we all know creating a new vision takes time and work.  We simply can't say I want to be a nurse and expect to be happy for the rest of our lives.  Sometimes we have inner programming that needs to be changed. The inner programming we are talking about today is our thoughts.

I'm going to list some of the language that stops us from achieving and feeling what we need to in order to change our lives.  For every negative statement you find that you have in the first list, replace that thought with a positive statement from the next list.

When you find yourself thinking the thoughts that normally creep up when you think about doing something you want in your life, replace the thoughts with a positive one (a transformational thought) and notice the feeling you have associated with the thought.

Once you have gained access to the feeling with your negative thought, I want you to direct your mind to the positive thought and a positive feeling associated with it as well.

For instance, if I think "no one loves me", I'll recognize the feeling; (great sadness), within myself.  Then I'll take a positive statement, like "all of the universe loves me" and feel how that feeling feels: (uplifting and warm).  Really feel what you say.   BELIEVE it.

The art of transformation comes from the heart.  That's where our creative energy is stored.  This is the secret Tibetan chakra center, the Seal of Solomon, the shiva/shakti, and the merkabah of all of creation. The great secret to all of creation is the heart, our feeling center.

 Whatever is thought, must also be felt in order to be made manifest.  Feel it, see it, believe it.

Unproductive Thoughts

I'm tired
I hate my . .          
I feel fat
I'm so behind
I'm too busy
I'm so stressed out
I lie to myself
I don't matter
I'm insecure
I feel numb
Why bother?
I let myself go
I hate job
I'm unsettled
I'm unlovable
I am alone
I feel afraid
I feel hopeless
I feel guilty
I can't say no
I'm angry

Transformational Thoughts

I'm on my way
I feel energized
I have a mission
I choose Happiness
I can do this
I love myself enough to change
I'm in charge of me
I am present
I put me first
I'm ready
I'm making good choices for myself
I listen to my heart
I can change
I'm happy
I trust myself
I don't have to be perfect
I speak gently to myself
I love my body
I'm taking steps to change
I am becoming
I can do anything
I have what I need
My heart is open
I matter
I'm powerful

Many of these ideas have come from the weekend project, however, when we feel what we think we make it manifest in the universe by engaging at least two of our energetic bodies, attracting that which we want that much more.

Mere words or thoughts are not enough for true change.  We must change our story within, change the way we feel about ourselves and our world then take the small steps to change, knowing that eventually we will be in the place we dream.  There is only one other word to take us there:  Constancy.

** Thank you to the Oprah team and the "other side", especially Saint Germain for their contributions to this post.