
Our Need to Heal: The Inner Child

Most of us look like grown ups.  We act like grown ups.  Our age often tells someone we are "grown up", but our insides often still feel like a child.  Being a child isn't a bad thing.  Wasn't it even Jesus that said "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  See the world as a child and you will wonder at your very existence . . (that one's mine)

We have a child within us made up of memories and experiences.  Even those in the same family will remember things, will have experienced even the same thing differently than the others in the family.  We see through our own personal lenses of perception.  We learn and digest our lessons differently.  Yet when a pattern of perpetuated abuse and neglect is in force, our inner child gets damaged and we carry the pain and scars with us into our adult life.  If we don't see them, don't acknowledge our pain and don't try to heal it, we as damaged people will do great damage to our children and those around us.  Why?  Because that is all we know.  Until someone, something shifts our perspective, awakens our consciousness, we will do what we have been taught.

Subconscious patterning set in from your parents and society will perpetuate until our consciousness recognizes the pattern and decides to change it.  Be it good or bad, those thoughts, feelings, emotions, unexpressed or expressed will play out in our lives.  If we become conscious of them, we can then begin to moderate, to make change.  But if we don't, our children, and most likely their children will continue the pattern.  Soon we are where we are now, with a world full of neglected and abused children and inner children, still all acting out.  We all want the same things:  to be happy, to feel loved, but for some of us, we just haven't been taught how to get it.  We have to heal first.

This time of year and recent events make me remember one of my favorite times meeting Michael.  It was in New York City at a Heal the Kids event.  He spoke about our children and how we must love them more instead of putting in place gun control.  I cried with him at that event and now as I look back and at the work we currently do together, I see all too clearly these patterns of walls around our hearts and a society that has grown cold with each generation.  Our children as well as our inner children need healing.  We must be the change and as one very inspiring comment was made on the blog, we must try and make change in every life we touch.

I know that many people reading this may still wonder what a twin flame soul mate is.  Some may think of romantic notions, but for Michael and I it has mostly been about other things.  He is not with me as often as some people might think.  I last saw him with Mr Mandela again.  He has worked and crossed over some other people I have also worked with and he had made rounds with some readers of this blog who have become great friends of mine.  He often will check on them, as he checks on me.  Inspiring, healing and doing what he can to help us all heal our inner child.

I'd like to share a story that one such friend was kind enough to share with me.  She is on the road to meet her incarnated flame who is on the earth plane.  Like all of us, she knows it requires work.  Healing ourselves always leads to the healing balm of the flame relationship.  You will then, together, turn around and help heal others.  This is her story:

A few weeks ago I decided I needed to get some exercise. As you probably know exercise helps with anxiety and depression. The hardest part is getting out of my own way and taking care of myself. I realize I have a lot of anxiety and exercise can aggravate it. You know Michael comes around to see how I am doing now. I felt him with me on my walk. He told me he understood my sadness. I knew he was referring to my painful childhood memories of being alone or being treated poorly by those responsible for me. I have come to realize that my Catholic upbringing is directly connected to how I used to escape. I am certain I wanted to die and go to Heaven. In Heaven I would imagine no mean people and emotional pain gets released. Because of this I love looking up at the sky.

I heard Michael tell me that I was made of the same things that make the sky, the trees, and the clouds. 

He then said I am not made of what everyone did to me.

Then it clicked for me. These shifts are the shifts to experiencing Heaven on Earth. Because of my experiences as a child I have not particularly liked being incarnated here on Earth. The more I heal the more I realize Earth had nothing to do with what happened to me. Sick people did. There is so much here that has nothing to do with the dark nature of humanity. I cant help but wonder if these projections on the Earth are directly related to why our planet is in crisis. 

You speak about our emotional bodies being wounded and how they need healing. It seems evident this experience I had on my walk with Micheal speaks to that.

This story was given after a conversation about someone who decided to take their life.  It was a child, who was in emotional pain, like many who shoot at schools, bully and act out.  Many of us think that it will get better if we just end it all.  It doesn't.  We still have to heal, whether we are here or there.  Why don't we all make it here so our children no longer have to suffer and our world can be better?  

I want to thank this very special soul for sharing with us her story, her kindness, her friendship and her love.  For everyone reading this and to your inner child I wish to express these very heartwarming words spoken to a child in the movie called "The Help".  Sometimes we won't hear these words from those we think "should" be speaking them; a parent or a family member, but if we hear them from "someone" it can make a world of difference in our lives.

You is kind.
You is smart.
You is important.

Be wise enough to love yourself and heal so we all can love one another, together.


Anonymous said...

Yes, it's for everyone to realise we are ALL beautiful sparks of the Divine, each unique and Godlike. Michael's quote to your friend was beautiful.. ""I heard Michael tell me that I was made of the same things that make the sky, the trees, and the clouds" It's about remembering we all come from LOVE and to honour and love ourselves (no matter what lesson or experience one's has chosen for this incarnation) We all can be wayshowers for our fellow humans is we realise this :-)

ElevenSeven said...

Thank you for taking time to add to this :) xxoo