
Michael on "Feathers"

The above art is done by Julie Kennedy.  For
more on her work and to purchase prints
visit her page

I can put a feather in your cap

You can put a feather in your hair

I can dress up like an Indian and wear a feathered headress

I can sing like a rooster and spread my tail feathers

You can watch a peacock spread it's majestic feathers and strut

I can do all these things and so can you

It is in the choosing and the doing that makes the difference

Which feather will you put in your cap?

What kind of feather will you wear in your hair?

How is your feather fashioned?

Is it one from a turkey or one from a peacock?

Do you wear it proudly or just for show?

Many of us have invisible feathers.  Like wings of an angel, we can spread our feathers in many different ways.  If I were to choose which feather I'd like to be, I'd like to be like the peacock, strutting my stuff and showing off my feathers.  That way everyone would know how beautiful I was inside.  But I'm not a peacock and my feathers don't show, so I move silently with the angels among all men and women, hoping they feel the slight breeze as my feathers glide by.

If you are longing for feathers of your own you just have to believe you have them.  You can stand prouder, stand stronger, when you know your invisible feathers are by your side.  Know that I am and I'll be sure you know that you have them too.  All it takes is a breath, a thought and a deed to send feathers into the air and upwards toward heaven.

- M Jackson


Anonymous said...

Feathers (especially white feathers) are wonderful signs from our Angels/Guides. Not long after MJ died I started to find many beautiful white feathers in interesting places and seeing the numbers 11.11 (as millions of other people did too)

ElevenSeven said...

Very nice! That's a great story. Thank you for sharing it :) xxoo