
Murder Findings Follow Up/Updated

Yesterday's post entailed an experience I had sharing the consciousness with Michael prior to the time of his passing.  I like to always follow up with confirmations.  There are times when you receive information that you know is true without a doubt, and others when you have to check the light bulb to make sure it didn't burn out before you assume a ghost did it!  This was one time I knew the information was correct, however, the blurred vision thing really made me wonder what might have caused it.  So I did some research yesterday and found the toxicological findings from Michael's autopsy.

The following drugs were listed as found in the report:


Of these drugs, the following are listed to cause near vision, producing blurring, decreased accommodation and diplopia:


These findings are published on the Abstract of Joanne L Smith B.Sc., Ph.Phm and J Raymond Buncic, M.D., FRCS(C) t from the Departments of Pharmacy and Opthalmology, The Hospital For Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Further, to clear up any confusion as to Michael "accidentally" killing himself, the autopsy report also concludes that the administration of propofol in the IV would have to be from someone with medical experience.  The IV was placed in the left leg and self injection would be highly unlikely.  It also states that there were other drugs besides propofol administered.  


I also looked up the "ventilator" I felt I was breathing through and found the following information which may explain the feeling since propofol is one of the drugs used and is more commonly used for anesthesia:

What Is a Ventilator?

A ventilator (VEN-til-a-tor) is a machine that supports breathing. These machines mainly are used in hospitals. Ventilators:
  • Get oxygen into the lungs.
  • Remove carbon dioxide from the body. (Carbon dioxide is a waste gas that can be toxic.)
  • Help people breathe easier.
  • Breathe for people who have lost all ability to breathe on their own.
A ventilator often is used for short periods, such as during surgery when you're under general anesthesia (AN-es-THE-ze-ah). The term "anesthesia" refers to a loss of feeling and awareness. General anesthesia temporarily puts you to sleep.
The medicines used to induce anesthesia can disrupt normal breathing. A ventilator helps make sure that you continue breathing during surgery.

Below is one of the most recent videos from Bonnie Vent, another psychic who has been in communication with Michael, speaking about his murder:

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