
Evidence of Keeping Michael from Performing his Contractual Duties/The Autopsy

After some research, it was discovered that if Michael was taking Ambien, as stated on the previous post, it could have been out of his system in as little as six hours:

Rxlist Messageboard: Bendodiaziapines & Drug Testing http://www.rxlist.com/rxboard/ambien.pl?read=1055 Regarding the matter of how long Ambien is detectable, the drug is rapidly eliminated from the body, and is usually undetectable within 6 to 14 hours

Three of the other medications found in his system were Bendodiaziapines, which are all used as sedatives and muscle relaxers, most often used before surgery.

One of the drugs, Diazepam, also treats insomnia, however another property it is used for is Benzodrazepine withdrawl, which can occur from the sudden abruption or gradual reduction of other Bendodiaziapine medications, like the Nordiazepam, Lorazepam and Midazolam found in Michaels system. An interesting note on this is that if that was what Michael was experiencing the following may be present:  (I've highlighted those symptoms that I currently am aware of.)
The following symptoms may emerge during gradual or abrupt dosage reduction:
I am not a doctor, but the one that did hit me on this list was "Increased sensitivity to sound" You can see Michael on tape during rehearsals telling them to turn the sound on his earpiece down.

There were several other medications that I found interesting. One was Ephedrine which is a stimulant and appetite suppressant. Nice option for someone already losing weight, don't you think?

Also found on the dresser, in Exhibit 500-390 from the LAPD, is a bottle of Flumazenil which is used to reverse the effects of sedation from medications like Midazolam found in Michaels system.  So simply put it seems like there was insurance on keeping him sedated and tired as well as undernourished.  That would probably lead one to believe that performance and contractual duties would be almost impossible.  

Below is the video of Michael at rehearsals taking his earpiece out just before he asks them to adjust the sound.  The actual footage of him asking for sound adjustment is taken out, but present in the full version of This Is It.  You can tell he is pushing it here.  He looks very tired.

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