
Consciousness of Humanity

They started as flashes of scenes.  My guides told me to just let them pass.  I was viewing things from all over the world.  Acts of kindness, selfishness and people speaking to one another.

It was 2012 when the world seemed to be in an uproar about the ending of the Mayan Calendar.  It predicted a change in world consciousness.  For some reason perhaps most believed it would happen all in one day.  Yet, it is still happening on a daily level.  For as the flower grows it's petals, so does the consciousness of humanity.

During the revolution of industries, a great number of inventions were created.  Factories put their buildings up, the auto industry began creating more cars and merchandising to make money became common place.  As the years went on, we began to notice the contribution these things also made on a global level.  The exhaust from the cars and even the toxicity of waste from the factories.  Our consciousness is the same.  Each deed we do, each thought we think, enters into our global atmosphere.  Like an unseen smog, it can depress or uplift us, depending on what we decide to put into it.

This unity consciousness effects us all even though we might not see it.  We can feel it when events like 9/11 happen and enter into the compassion of it when school children are killed by a man searching to end his own pain.  We are collective and unified, yet we still have the thinking that we are separate.  Like separate cells on the human body, we each play a part in the world we live in, as even each cell on your body effects the whole.  One cell can infect another.  It can spread infection and create havoc on your entire system.  Adversely, another cell can induce healing and heal the entire body, adversely creating a healthy state of being.  We are not different.  The deeds in one day handed to one person can either make or break that persons day.  In turn they too can decide to pass it on to another.  Depending on what they received from you, it could determine if that deed is in kindness or rudeness, inspiration or in despair.

What power we have!  Yet we still do not realize the extent of it.  We create our world each day individually with our own thoughts and collectively as a whole.  May we one day we realize that both are the same.

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