
AEG-Medium Absolves Dr. Murray - Mr Panish Allow Me to Apply!

I would say Michael would be turning over in his grave, but he's not there.
And for those that think a "ghost" is bizarre or even a spirit, better think a little bit more about life.  To me it's bizarre NOT to think that there is life after death somewhere in this vast universe.

But, let's get to the story at hand.  Randy Phillips, CEO of AEG Live,
testified on Tuesday that a medium (a person who speaks with the other side) told his friend that Michael absolved Dr. Murray of all blame and that he (and let me put this in quotes) "accidentally killed himself".

I bypassed this statement earlier thinking it would not be taken seriously.  Besides, Randy Phillips has been regurgitating lie after lie.  It's hard to pick and choose the best ones that further incriminate him.  Yet the press are reporting the medium statement everywhere now.  So let me remind you the whole reason I started this blog was that Michael told me specifically (and let me put this in quotes again) "I didn't kill myself".

When Michael told me this I was thinking he died tragically, but not necessarily from murder.  I thought it was strange that he told me such a thing and thought that it most likely had to do with drugs and he wanted me to know he didn't commit suicide.

When the news broke about his death I understood.  That's exactly what they were saying and I knew Michael told me because that's what they would want the public to believe.  Now that Randy Phillips has stated this again on the stand makes Randy's guilt all the more glaring.  Using specific words that Michael warned me about from the time of his death really puts into light for me.

So if the court is allowing evidence from mediums, I truly feel my record with Michael is much more credible then Randy's friends medium.  My connection with Michael has been for years.  Please allow me to submit my resume and credentials Mr Panish.  I'm ready to take the stand. 

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