
Healing the World in 2012 - A Mayan Prophecy

Have you ever looked back at your life and realized that everything in your life up until this point has brought you to where you needed to be?  Yet through that journey, it was sometimes painful, sometimes joyful, confusing and you always wondered where it was leading you to?

I am truly excited about our future.  This year will mark an opportunity like never before in our history, to make great strides in changing the consciousness of ourselves and the planet.  Michael Jackson's entire life was devoted to not only his music,  but using that music to change the world.  If you look back at the messages in his music, you may realize he was preparing many of us for this very moment in history.

With 2012 just around the corner, I wanted to share with you a video from a real Mayan who was taught in the traditions of his people.  He explains what the ending of the Mayan Calendar is truly about in his interview posted below:

I also wanted to share with you some work that we've been up to and the next segment we will be presenting on the blog.  As you know Michael Jackson had a great love for children.  The pain of a child resonated with him deeply.  He was sensitive to the abused inner child within not only himself, but within us all.  He has said many times that we should be healing the world for our children and our children's children.  In order to do that we must heal the inner child within us all first.  Some people aren't even aware that they have an inner child.  Some people have no idea that the loneliness they feel, or the addictions they have stem from our childhood.  This is not about blaming our parents, because if we ever bothered to look, they most likely had the same problem.  These are patterns.  Patterns that have been established in cycles for generations.  The change, however, must start somewhere.  Our hope is that it may start with us.

This first segment is part of the Man In the Mirror project.  In the coming year we'll be exploring what patterns have been set into motion in our own personal lives on emotional and spiritual levels and how to break through them.  We'll also be looking at our role in the world and our true spiritual potential.  You may discover a you that you never knew existed.   By doing this we will all begin to truly Heal The World.

We can throw money at many problems in the world to try and fix something that has gone wrong.  Poverty, war, neglect.  But to truly Heal we must realize there is an underlying cause for this destruction.  It isn't money that will fix it.  It's us and changing how we think about ourselves and our wold.  A child that is raised in a war stricken zone knows only war.  His comfort, his home is war.  What do you think he will teach his children?

A girl who is raped in a poverty stricken community will be subconsciously given the message that she is worthless, she is powerless.  What do you think she will teach her children?

These are just some of the things we need to realize before real change in the world can transpire.  I hope that you will join us on this journey in the coming months.  I hope that you yourself will find great happiness, healing and joy from the advancements made in the coming year for us all.  It is Michael's hope, as well as my own, that we can continue what he started in making these changes.

Hope to see you soon!

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