
Man in the Mirror PROJECT: Misqualified Energy; The Magical Child

Yogash chitta virttinirodhah: 
"We become whole by stopping how the mind turns."

Tada drashtuh svarupevasthanam. Virtti sarupyam itaratra: 
"On that day the seer comes to dwell within his own real nature.  Otherwise it follows the form of the turning."

-Taken from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

The masters teach us about misqualified energy.  Energy that is pure, misqualified by wrong thinking. If we allow ourselves to follow our misqualified thoughts, we continue in the turning of those thoughts, caught in the cycle of misqualified energy.

Examples of misqualified thoughts could be as simple as the repeated statement in your head that "I am weak.  I am fat.  I am not good enough."  All of these statements are misqualified thoughts because they are beliefs we perpetuate about ourselves; the misqualified energy we have created within our divine beings.  Our thoughts then become manifest in our every day lives.  As we believe, we act out on our beliefs and the cycle turns, as do our minds.

In our life's journey, we must come to the understanding that somewhere along the line we have not only created a misqualified thought or two about ourselves or of our world, but that those thoughts have actually limited us and created a feeling within that has permitted them to become dark.  Those dark places in the recesses of your mind that create ill will, ill feelings, self indulgence and insecurities.

All of life has uncertainties.  As life continues for each of us, we will be met with adversity, affliction and be exposed to the thoughts and beliefs of others.  Each of us have created in our own minds our own little world of thoughts and beliefs.  They stay with us and if we imagine each of us like a little planet, we can imagine our thoughts held within that planetary atmosphere, simply orbiting around one another.  You may be aware of another person's thoughts, but rarely do we ever glimpse what is truly held in anothers mind and feeling body.

Yet we like to believe that others should and do "think" like we do.  We gravitate to those with similar "beliefs" and we like to think "we" know the way things "should" be.  But do we?

Each of us has made mistakes in wrong thinking.  Sometimes that wrong thinking can lead us to addiction, drugs, self pity and "dark" feelings.  We churn the thoughts over and over again, because of the way someone has made us feel, something someone said, or the way other people have treated us. We have allowed another person's "misqualified energy" into our own little orbit.

Self mastery comes when we realize our true nature is that of the seer; the divine part of ourselves.  For there the thoughts are only thoughts and we can watch them pass as Jack Sparrow says, and simply wave at them as they pass by.

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