
Believing in the Magic

Believing in the magic applies to all of life.  When you believe your thoughts shift from what is to what could be.  Magic abounds in everything we do, everything we are, and in everything that exists.
Recognizing the magic of life is the first step in accessing your true identity.

Beliefs hold a special place within us.  If we believe we'll never succeed, chances are we'll never take the steps to succeed in the first place.  But if we believe we are capable of anything, suddenly our world opens and the possibilities abound.

Part of the work of our souls is believing.  When you believe in God, you pray.  When you believe in your children, you radiate pride.  When you believe that there is more to you than you could imagine, you begin to access the higher self, the source of all, and open yourself to opportunities in life.

The twin flame path has much to do with belief.  If we are fixed in our beliefs, then we may miss the opportunity of experiencing not only the magic of our lives, but the magic of our connection with another part of ourselves.  Believing it's possible, believing that there is a part of ourselves that is always in contact with the greater part of our being, opens our hearts and turns our inner ears within. We begin to listen to the quiet whispers of our very soul.

As the magic of Christmas slowly comes upon us and our thoughts turn to gifts, family and friends, give yourself a gift as well.  Allow yourself to believe in the magic of you.  Who you are inside, who you can become and the potential of magic you hold inside of you.  It only takes one thought, one wish, to fulfill some long held dreams and change the direction of our very lives.   We need only to "Believe".


Anonymous said...

Yes, if one believes in Magic, anything is possible :-)

I was reading something from Archangel Michael the other day who said the below....I couldn't paste the whole message, just part of it below....

Twin Flame is an energy that is found primarily within you, and then can be experienced in the outer or manifest world.

It is not a person as such, but an energy that can be shared and experienced by two energetically compatible souls.

"You have but one, but it may manifest in multiple forms.

You are a multidimensional being, as is your Twin Flame.

The true miracle that is slowly emerging in your consciousness as humans. That you can be part of this Oneness, this Divine Mind, and you can be also be Individuals - at the same time. Yes, eventually you will be able to hold these two levels of consciousness together, and so you will be "you" but you
will also be the "One", and there will be no conflict between them..

They will exist as a continuum of light and consciousness.

You see, dearest ones, many people imagine that they must move into the consciousness of the One and stay there permanently. Then, they
are disappointed when they cannot achieve that or hold that

But we say, that the purpose is to be able to hold both states of consciousness.

There is nothing wrong with your individual consciousness, for this has been the whole purpose of your evolution here on Earth. That the "One", or Spirit consciousness, should be able to hold the "Many" levels of consciousness, or human individual being, and that the "Many" should also be able to hold the "One".

ElevenSeven said...

Very nice!:) Thank you for the comment! :)

Anonymous said...

Celia Fenn did a very nice job in that channeling and she hits the dot if you ask me ... thank you ... as I see it nice addition to Debbie's words ... Twin Flames it will always keep me in a state of sheer wonder, and it is so big so multiple layered, that we can't even grasp the hugeness of it even if we do the best we can to imagine ...