
Jesus - The Teacher

Before we break until the new year, I wanted to give some insight on some of the work that those on the other side of the veil wish to be posted here.  The main message is that we are more than we have become and the other, that we are united in spirit and that our consciousness is also shifting in that direction.

As Christmas is celebrated around the world, many people hold the man and the image in their hearts.  We pray to him, ask him for assistance and others may even ask for his hand in friendship.  Michael looked to Jesus as his teacher and in that light, I'd like to share the following:

Jesus once said, "A man’s enemies shall be those of his own house".  He might have been referring to flesh and blood and as we embark on the holidays you just might encounter that with your own family members.   Yet I also believe Jesus may have been referring to our own nature, consciousness and ego.

In the Gospel of Thomas it says: "If two shall make peace with each other in this house [our body] they will say to the mountain, ‘Move away’ and it will move away."  It's possible that this passage is speaking about our higher selves and lower selves.  For if we are able to clear away all of our negative thoughts and patterns, the two shall make peace with one another.  Coming into agreement and focusing the energy into manifestation.  Now our two areas of consciousness, both subconscious and awakened consciousness have become one.

"When you have made the two one, you will become the sons of Man, and you will say, ‘Mountain move away’ and it will move away. Where there are three in unity, they are gods." - Vs. 132, 133, 135 Chap. 8, The Complete Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We are all god like and made in his image.  In the coming New Year let us not be afraid of the power we have been blessed with and walk in silver light and make powerful strides for humanity and ourselves.

God bless all this holiday season and may your New Year be both prosperous and enlightening.  May we all not pray for peace, but strive to obtain it, and at the end of next year may we look back and be astonished with how far we have come!

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