not for what you wish to see. Many of us try spending our time wishing things could be different. We think that if they were just another way, our way, everything would be fine. If you could see the entire plan and all that transpires you most likely would think differently.
We are divine beings, and within us lies a spark that came from source (God) itself. Here lies our power to connect with all things and find our true purpose and path in life. All too often we tend to look outside ourselves. We consult with friends, family members and others in hopes of finding our direction in life when all along our true path lies within us. We can never know what is truly transpiring in another's world, yet far too often we think we can. We don't even know what is happening in our world half the time and still we think we know "better". We may judge another person, situation and think we see it for what it is. In reality we only see it from our unique perspective. We can never see the whole picture unless we allow ourselves to, like children, see it for the first time and without judgement.
Judgement is a hard thing to over come. For currently almost everything in your life you judge. The way the grocery store clerk is wearing her hair, how your boss acts towards you, even a look from your dog is judged on what we "think" it means. Letting go of judgement means to not have any thoughts about a situation or person. If they act rude, perhaps they had a bad day or life. If they seemingly look "different", well then I guess that's their prerogative
Letting go of judgement allows our minds to be free of the good and bad and the negativity and weight that judgement itself carries. When we learn to let go of the thoughts we then allow our "feelings" to be heard and not just the chatter of the mind. Here is where our real power lies. For in the feeling you don't feel a biased colored knowledge, but a "knowing". The part of you that is connected to the whole begins to awaken within you and you develop the sense of knowing based on the judgement of the universe, and not yourself. Here is judgement without conditions or preconceived perceptions. When we can do this our lives begin to transform in ways we could have never seen for ourselves prior and it catapults us up to embrace humanity instead of just ourselves and the thoughts we have about our world. This is embracing the flow of life instead of fighting against it. Feeling your way through divine judgement allows the right doors to open and for your to know the wrong ones you need to close.
1 comment:
Personally speaking, Deborah, I like to make a difference between being judgmental as a negative character trait where judgment is being rendered on a person without knowledge of all criteria, as opposed to rendering a judgment on a situation where we assess that situation on a rightful basis of what is right, and what is wrong, in cases of where we in our "judgment" are guided by the universal standard of ethics.
The former is ethically unacceptable, while the latter is essential for our inner balance in order to not be overwhelmed by others' endless manifestations of wickedness.
We do have the right to always "judge" situations whereby we are surrounded and yet find them unacceptable inasmuch as we are affected by them, and have a right to also seek their removal out of our presence.
I hope I have made myself clear enough for your readers to understand what I mean.
Thank you, Debbie, for cautioning us to not be judgmental toward others in their motives for doing what they do, and for being the way they are, but to the inclusion of the qualifier which I tried to explain in this comment.
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