
AEG and Michael's Brothers

As we head into Memorial weekend, I find myself trying to keep this on a positive note.  We are to remember those who have fought in battle for our freedom and as I do I can't help to think of the battles we fight almost everyday.  What starts on a small scale, continues to grow on a grand scale. When I look at the reasons war is started they are the same as the reasons we battle in our everyday struggles.  Most often:  money, control, power and manipulation.

This week's trial with AEG brought out a myriad of things.  Emails were found where AEG  executives called Michael a "freak" and payments were found made to his "supposed" manager, Frank DiLeo, yet no reason could be found.  The manager that started with him was not paid a cent.  His health went downhill rapidly in a matter of a few months as stated in an email:  

"He was able to do multiple 360 spins back in April. He'd fall on his ass if he tried it now."

Not only does this support what Michael has said and what we have posted, but there were other exchanges, verbal ones that are not on record. If these were the ones that were found, just imagine what was said that wasn't documented?

As I reviewed the news on the courtroom activity, I noticed someone posted a tidbit. It said that some of Michael's brothers were planning on doing a performance for AEG Live at the Staples Center. Coincidence? I saw Michaels brothers here in my hometown this past summer. I normally would not have gone, but Michael insisted. I didn't understand why and thought maybe he just wanted support for his formal family. When I arrived, however, I couldn't take my eyes off of a man that looked exactly like Randy Phillips from AEG Live. I watched throughout the show and also noticed one of the brothers seemingly trying to mimic the dance steps and energy Michael used to exhibit. I remember thinking to myself, "You don't get it. You can't just do the steps. There is an energy that went beyond the moves just on a stage that you will never channel because you are not in the right place." As I watched the man in the audience he gave a thumbs up to the brothers. Soon after I heard that they were planning on a tour with a hologram of Michael and now I hear of more formal plans with AEG.

Family can use and abuse. Don't be afraid of protecting yourself against those who would exploit you at the drop of a dime. You can and must if you want to lead a life in safety and trust with the "right" people. I don't like to bash on the blog, but I will speak the truth when I am moved to do so and some of these "brothers" are almost shameless when it comes to using Michael's kids and name to make money. When I said previously and even in my book, that Michael was under extreme pressure, it wasn't just from AEG, it was from his family as well. They had been after him for some time to go on tour and we spoke about it often. Michael was torn because it was his "family". He felt a sense of obligation to them, yet had no interest in touring. He didn't like to be on the road and that was one of the reasons he sought out a home in Vegas. He could still perform and not have to be on the road.

I know in our minds we think family is everything, but sometimes those are the ones that stand to hurt us the most. Some feel they are entitled, others that they own you. Whatever the case is in your family, I hope you understand that in the end they are just people too. They have their own ways of thinking, own agendas, and some are not so nice. Use your wisdom, common sense and intuition to tell the difference. It could mean the a world of difference in the quality of your own life and even your future.

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