
Twin Flames Reuniting - A Vessel of Love

Unification in spirit happens gradually as the spiritual bodies of the twins begin to transcend the ego or personality and begin the ascent back into union with the creator.

Many times there will be twins that simply seek out each other.  Literally looking for their other half when in fact they are only limiting themselves as well as delaying the actual meeting date of the twin.  You see in spiritual work it is necessary for the twins to become whole themselves before any union can occur.  The desire and reach for wholeness within can only and will only be obtained through constancy and the vigilance it takes to overcome the dweller on the threshold; the ego self.

As the ego dies and makes way for the light of the divine to shine through, old patterns of belief will be replaced by the true essence of spirit that makes all things manifest on the planet.  Love reigns in this realm.  It is the love that permeates the universe and the love that has created all things that is the underlying foundation of the twins themselves.

The path to the twin must be individual.  It must be that each take responsibility for themselves and how they perceive their individual world.  Most of the karma must be dissolved and a higher calling for service must be felt in the heart to begin the process of unification.  Should the twins fall back into their old patterns of ego, there may be a time when there is angst.  However, each twin must remember that all is transcended in time and with perseverance.  The waiting twin must allow the other to grow in love and transcend themselves to prepare for service with the other.  Should a meeting or union be forced, most often it would result in dire and painful consequences.  For in this relationship the pain is insurmountable at times.  Each feeling and emotion of one twin is amplified in the other.  Mirroring back to us the pain we inflict on the other and truly letting us know what it is to be one.

Our solace on the path, whether we know our twin in body or not, is the underlying foundation of the relationship itself.  This is a soul relationship and as such has little to do with the personality of the ones that are joined.  On a soul level all is created from love.  So even though it may "seem" as if your twin may have neglected you or even has left you in some way, most often it will only be the personality or ego that is orchestrating the event.  For real twins never "disconnect" even when they are in disagreement.  The real part that is connected is at the soul level and that is the level where true love that is unconditional in nature and all encompassing resides.  There is not an option of abandonment at this level or any type of snubbing.  For it is the very love that we have been created from that is not only the mold for the two but also the vessel.


Reni Sentana-Ries said...

Beautifully and correctly spoken, M'lady ElevenSeven! (Sorry, I have not found your real name yet on this site).

I intend to place a link to your site on my facebook page http://facebook.com/sentanaries .

Let me know if you don't wish me to do so. You are a great lady in soul and spirit.

ElevenSeven said...

Dear Reni,
Thank you once again for your wonderful comments :)

It is truly a blessing.
Debbie :)