
Twin Flames and the Mansion of Light

"A young man turns and says, "My friend, you have returned home after a long absence."

These are the words that will be spoken to you by the doorman at the retreat of you and your twin flame when you arrive in your mansion in the heaven-world—for you and your twin flame also have a mansion on the etheric plane. It will be your home when you ascend.

You have been evolving for thousands and hundreds of thousands of years upon this planet. You have been coming and going to and from the retreats of the Brotherhood in between embodiments and while you sleep. You have your own home of light.

"I want you to expect to journey to that retreat, to your own home of light. It is one thing to be a guest in the retreats and mansions of the masters. But sometime, someplace, you want to feel at home in your own home where you can sink down in your chair, take off your shoes and put your feet up and do what you want to do.
"Now how many of you have consciously asked to be taken to your own mansion, to your own etheric retreat?... Well, what are you waiting for?
"Why are you depressed, not knowing your divine plan or which way to go? Don’t you realize all of that is just bogging you down and distracting you from these crystal moments and experiences you could be having? It is weighing on you, when you could be having your meditation time before going to sleep.
"Fifteen minutes before you fall asleep, meditate on the Buddha, go within, call to your I AM Presence and the I AM Presence of your twin flame and ask for your reunion in higher octaves."1
So, what are you waiting for? Try it tonight. A whole new world awaits you."

-from Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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