
The Ties That Bind Us Together

With all the talk about twin flames its a wonder not everyone is up in arms and searching for theirs.  With dating sites on the rise you would think that people would be keen to the notion that we are missing a part of ourselves and wake up to the fact that we are incomplete beings reaching for wholeness.

Once said by a great teacher, time will tell when the most anyone can do is believe in something extraordinary.  Not because it was told to them but rather because it is a part of them.  We are extraordinary beings, we just fail to realize it.  When times are tough we endure, when we prosper we get excited, but when we create we are magical and when we wonder from curiosity, we are inspired.

We can soar with most anything when we believe in ourselves and have the support of others to believe in us too.  If we have all this beauty and magic what could ever stop us from reaching the highest mountains or diving into the deepest seas?  The answer is simple; ourselves.

We set up roadblocks subconsciously that lead down the same paths.  We begin to believe that certain situations will turn out the same because they always have and we ensure that they do by "thinking" those situations into our reality.  These thoughts bind us to our past and in turn bind us to the people that support our past routines and ruts.  The challenge then is to "think" outside the bind and create something new for ourselves.  A new situation, maybe even new people that support our "new and improved" version of ourselves.

We are our own creators and in turn we create the life we wish to live and how we want to live it.  Thinking and creating thoughts that transmit to the universe to be brought back to us to manifest is part of that creative process.  Internally we are like a machine.  One thought is linked to another and a response is automatic.  The challenge is to have not only a new thought but a new "link" to invoke a new "feeling" of excitement, possibility and hope.  This is creation in process and something worth calling yourself extraordinary for.

Give yourself credit for all you have endured in your life and give full credit to your ability to recreate your life by creating new ties that bind the new feelings of hope and magic in your life now to create a life of wonder and amazement.  Whether you are in a body or in spirit it is all the same.  So when you create, make sure you create for the best in you, otherwise the ties that bind will continue to bring you down and you will never escape the fortress you have built around yourself.  This is the time to be wise.  A new day is dawning and the price you pay today in your time and belief is worth the richness and wonder of the newness of tomorrow's blessing.

This is the path of union.  Releasing our patterns and stepping into the light.

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