
Spiritual Etiquette and Visits from the Other Side

Etiquette (/ˈɛtɨkɛt/ or /ˈɛtɨkɪt/French: [e.ti.kɛt]) is a code of behavior that delineates expectations for social behavior according to contemporary conventional norms within a societysocial class, or group.

Etiquette, to me, is like following the rules or just plain having good manners.  There are some things you just don't do.  Like pick your nose in public.  

On the "other side" we expect the same.  There is protocol and if "protocol" is not followed often times you get yourself entangled with not so nice spirits and confusion.  Even for us spiritual folk it's not nice to "check" on someone remotely if you don't have the courtesy to call.  That's just plain invasion of privacy.

Some time back I remember getting quite a bit of spiritual information when ever I was in the bathroom. Where is the protocol? I would say.  Are they watching me going to the bathroom and figure hey we'll catch her in there?  It's kind of humorous when you think about it, but every time it would happen it would alarm me.  Like what exactly are you guys seeing?

I've just run into some else who had the same experience.  It's not that the bathroom is a cool place for them to contact you, but most often it is a "quiet" place.  A place where you are alone.  If any information that has been trying to get through to your consciousness is there, it's easy to see why it would eventually be "downloaded" to your consciousness when you are in a quiet place.

Other times there just may be rude spirits.  Sometimes I've seen them in bars starting fights, or watching children playing video games.  They can influence others just by their energy.  That's why incense and other high vibrational activities in your home and around your workplace are highly recommended. That way the energy level is maintained and you don't attract lower vibratory beings.

There always seems to be a wayward spirit here and there, but I've had some of the same ones in my home for quite some time.  They "visit".  Michael brings his friends from the other side, my grandmother sometimes has brought other family members and even my friend Maurie D Pressman MD, drops by occasionally.  He's one of the quiet ones.  I say that because sometimes they'll stand back, like Maya Angelou did.  Quite reserved and humble.  Other times they are in your face, like Gary Coleman, messing around.  Some just seem to know what they can get away with and others are very well mannered.

I was reviewing notes again and came across some interesting and funny things that have happened with Michael and sometimes Elizabeth Taylor.  Some people imagine people flying into space when they pass, but most often they still retain some of what they were here:

  • When I asked Michael how it was on the other side when he passed and what he liked most he said it was that he could go anywhere quickly and could just watch - no one could see him.
  • The first year Michael passed he orchestrated a chorus of "Happy Birthday" the morning of my birthday when I woke up.
  • Michael would sometimes leave Elizabeth Taylor with me so I wouldn't be alone and I would sing very badly out loud on purpose.  She would make remarks like not again: I was hurting her ears.  Then she would threaten to sing Henry the Eighth all night to me if I didn't stop.  

  • They continue to have parties and when Nelson Mandela passed I asked if he was going and had partaken in any squirt gun fights.  He said no, but we agreed we would have one when I get there. I am super nervous already about it.  I just know they're going to blast me when I get there.
  • I tease Michael because he had to call for Elizabeth once when he couldn't get me to stop crying. The poor thing sat with me telling me I wasn't alone, but my response was I was, he was dead, he wasn't really there and I was by myself.  Finally in desperation he called for Elizabeth.  "Elizabeth, Elizabeth!" he yelled.  She was wonderful, but after I teased him for the way he called out to her.  He had no idea what to do with me.
  • And, before you feel too bad for him, let me tell you what he did to me.  I have had this fascination or rather hate relationship with this roll of fat on my back.  I constantly look at it, no lie.  I don't feel Michael around all the time.  Sometimes he just hangs back.  One time I got dressed and was in my bedroom looking in the mirror to see how I looked.  I could feel Michael come behind me and say "You look beautiful".  I thought wow, that was really sweet.  The he followed up with "except for that back fat".  
  • When I first got my dog and was trying to potty train her I swatted her butt when she had an accident on the floor.  Michael was so upset.  He chimed in "NO! don't hit her!" in his sweet voice.  My son says the same about me.  Our dogs don't listen because I'm like "No, please, no don't go potty."  He later apologized.
  • I sensed him pacing at one time.  I had written something about his family on the blog.  He was beside himself and didn't know how to tell me.  When I finally got it out of him I wrote an apology on the blog.  He was and still is very protective of his family.

I have no idea why I just wrote all that.  I suppose it might be entertaining.  Spirits are a normal part of life.  One that we all too often forget about after people pass, but it truly is an inevitability for us all. When you think about who we are, we are not our bodies.  We are spirits first, only experiencing our world through the body.