
Man in the Mirror PROJECT - Visitations with Sri

I had asked Sri Aurobindo for a message that might help everyone the most and here is what he has given:

"What is your state of being?  Listen to your heart.  What does it say?  Can you name the emotion?  Is it a flower, a bud, or a delightful orchestra?  Do you worry, are you pensive, guilty or annoyed?  Do you care what others think?  Do you bring your problems to your work force or are you tardy or absent because you are annoyed with your work situation?  What of any of these things matters?  In the end you will find all worries are for not.  The simple act of worrying accomplishes nothing.  No one or any thing can change what is, but you must see what it is instead of how you perceive it to be.

Here we are.  We have the entire universe at our disposal and we squander our resources on petty worries.  What kind of job we will get, our car, where we live.  If any of that really mattered we would already be provided with it.  A better job, a new car or a new home will not make anyone happy.  It is only you and you alone who will make you happy.  Petty worries are just the ego mind playing tricks.  It likes to feel important by doing something like worrying, fixing, playing the martyr.

But we are not powerless beings.  Although at times you may imagine you are, it is the I AM that is all pervasive and that part of you never dies, never gives up and is always clothed in hope and love.

When you reach for the I AM you reach for me.  I AM there as you are in I AM.  This is the force that resides in all of us that connect us at the very core.  Making life the truly beautiful symphonic orchestra that it is.  The dance begins with a single step, one note, one rhythm, one ponder of words, the rest is history.  For when you allow the dance to unfold, all of life rejoices in its wonder and mystery.  The birds sing louder, the cars seem softer, the whisper of the wind beacons you to listen and a heart of fire raves at your door.  The passionate one, the one that seeks God, the one who ponders his life, not squanders it will be rewarded in life.  For here this one knows the truth.  That we are beings of magnificence and beings of destruction.  Sure we can decide to ruin our lives, let others dictate our life for us, but in the end what will we have given back to life?  Nothing.  When the soul awakens to the passionate purpose it was born to live in all things, all beings and all of life stands in applause.  Here is the beauty, the majesty and wonder of life.  I AM, that I AM is all that is.  Believe in it, in you and yourself as a higher being and the promise of heaven on earth is indeed yours.  Majestically yours in love."

Sri Aurobindo

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